As the seasons have gone by, League of Legends has seen an increase in mobility with each new champion or rework. From champions like Olaf and Master Yi with movement speed buffs to champions like Irelia, Samira, and Ahri with reset mobility mechanics. This increase in mobility is slowly taking over the game and for good reason.
Having high mobility allows champions to make more plays and increases the overall skill level of players. That’s why champions with mobility spells are often considered “smurf” champions that can snowball a game.
However, not all mobility is the same and not all champions with mobility are automatically better. The best mid lane champions are those that are best suited for snowballing the game with lane dominance or roaming ability.
List Criteria:
– Conditional vs. Non-conditional Mobility
– Power Budget: What does a champion trade in exchange for their mobility
– Laning Phase
– Roaming Ability
– Teamfighting Ability
– Late Game Scaling
1. Irelia:
Irelia’s kit has one targeted mobility spell, but her other abilities complement her mobility. Her Q can reset upon killing an enemy, allowing skilled Irelia players to chain kills. She has a strong laning phase, mid game, teamfighting ability, and roaming potential.
2. Katarina:
Katarina is a burst champion with controlled aggression. Her E ability allows for easy mobility and her ultimate is great for teamfighting. She struggles in the laning phase against ranged champions or bruisers with crowd control.
3. Akshan:
Akshan has stealth, movement speed, reset mechanics, and a long-range execution ultimate. He excels at flanking and roaming, making him a strong mid lane champion. His damage output is lower to compensate for his strengths.
4. Talon/Zed:
Talon and Zed are assassins with gap closers and lethal combos. Talon is more roaming-oriented while Zed excels in lane dominance. They are strong in the early game but fall off in the late game.
5. Ahri:
Ahri has three non-conditional dashes in her ultimate, making her a mobile champion. She has sustained damage and good teamfighting potential. Her playstyle is safer and she has a strong impact at all stages of the game.
6. Twisted Fate:
Twisted Fate relies on positioning, map awareness, and wave management. His ultimate allows him to have a global presence on the map. He is a high macro champion that rewards good decision-making.
7. Kassadin:
Kassadin has a Flash-like damaging spell on a low cooldown. He is strong in the mid-to-late game but weak in the early game. Playing him requires good understanding of power spikes and team coordination.
These are some of the best mobile mid lane champions in League of Legends. Each champion has their strengths and weaknesses, but they excel in snowballing the game with their mobility and playstyle.