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Top 7 Defensive Abilities in League of Legends

League of Legends is famous for its diverse roster of Champions, each with their own unique abilities. These abilities can be either combat-based or utility-based, offering defensive advantages or damage modifications. Defense is a crucial aspect of the game, so let’s explore the top 7 defensive abilities that Champions have to offer.

Utility-based defensive abilities can be categorized into Blinks/Dashes, Heals, Stealth, Shields, Invulnerability, and Untargetability. Combat-based abilities, on the other hand, can be divided into Decreasing damage received, Damage immunity, and Flat damage reduction.

The 7 best defensive abilities in League of Legends are:

1. Kalista’s Fate’s Call
2. Annie’s Molten Shield
3. Kayle’s Celestial Blessing
4. Sona’s Aria of Preservarence
5. Zilean’s Chronoshift
6. Kayle’s Divine Judgement
7. Wukong’s Warrior Trickster

Each of these abilities has a unique defensive element, some even having offensive aspects as well. For example, Seraphine’s Surround Sound shields her and nearby allied champions while also providing a speed bonus. Annie’s Molten Shield grants a shield and increased movement speed, with the added effect of dealing magic damage to enemies who attack her. Kayle’s Celestial Blessing provides healing and bonus movement speed to herself and the targeted ally. Sona’s Aria of Preservarence heals the most injured ally and grants a shield, with the additional benefit of increasing Sona’s ability haste. Zilean’s Chronoshift resurrects a targeted ally if they die while under the effect of the ability. Wukong’s Warrior Trickster enables him to dash in a targeted direction, becoming invisible and leaving behind a clone that can attack enemies.

These abilities can be game-changers during team fights or crucial moments in the game. They provide defensive advantages, allowing for both survival and strategic plays. Mastering these abilities will greatly enhance your gameplay and give you and your team an edge.

In conclusion, while there are numerous defensive abilities in League of Legends, the best ones are the ones that you have mastered and can strategically utilize to give yourself and your team a defensive advantage. So practice, learn, and dominate the Rift with your chosen Champions!