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Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Jungle players have a unique playstyle in League of Legends. They spend their time clearing jungle camps and deciding which path to take, requiring strategic decision-making.

Speed is also crucial for jungle players to have a significant impact on their team. The first player to clear their camps will be able to gank their teammates earlier.

When choosing a jungle champion, it’s essential to consider their clear speed and ganking style. In this article, we will explore the fastest jungle clear champions and how to effectively gank lanes with them.

Table of Content

1. Olaf

2. Karthus

3. Kayn

4. Kha’Zix

5. Graves

6. Hecarim

7. Fiddlesticks

1. Olaf

Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Olaf is known for having the fastest clear speed in the game. His Q ability deals heavy damage and AOE damage, allowing him to clear jungle camps quickly.

His Q can reset its cooldown every time Olaf picks up the axe he throws. In addition, his W ability provides bonus attack speed and life steal, allowing him to sustain in the jungle.

Olaf’s E ability deals true damage and reduces its cooldown by hitting enemies with basic attacks.

What Smite To Take?

Red Smite

Olaf doesn’t need blue smite to slow enemies because of his ability to slow enemies with his kit. Red smite provides damage reduction and is ideal for invading the enemy jungle.

2. Karthus

Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Karthus is not commonly played in the jungle, but he has excellent clear speed. His Q ability has a low cooldown and deals burst damage. His E ability allows him to deal damage over time to enemies.

What Smite To Take?

Red Smite

Karthus does not need the slow effect from blue smite because of his W ability. Red smite provides damage reduction and enhances his dueling potential.

3. Kayn

Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Kayn is a champion with fast clear speed. His Q ability deals AOE damage, and his W ability complements this with additional AOE damage. Kayn can also walk through walls, saving him time when transitioning between camps.

What Smite To Take?

Red Smite

Kayn excels at jungle invades and 1v1 fights, making red smite the ideal choice. Red smite makes him tankier and provides bonus damage during combat.

4. Kha’Zix

Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Kha’Zix is an assassin champion with decent AOE damage from his W ability. He can quickly clear buffs using his Q ability, especially against isolated enemies. Kha’Zix’s Q ability can also be upgraded to deal damage similar to smite with a reduced cooldown against isolated enemies.

What Smite To Take?

Blue Smite

Kha’Zix does not need the damage reduction from red smite due to his high damage output. Blue smite allows him to kite his opponents and maximize his damage potential.

5. Graves

Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Graves excels at clearing jungle camps quickly due to his AOE damage. He can also utilize his E ability to dash through walls, allowing him to navigate the jungle efficiently.

What Smite To Take?

Blue Smite

Graves needs blue smite to slow his enemies and kite them effectively. The slow effect synergizes with his kit, compensating for his short attack range.

6. Hecarim

Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Hecarim’s abilities deal AOE damage, enabling him to clear jungle camps quickly. His Q ability has a low cooldown and stacks to deal more damage. His W ability deals AOE damage and heals him for a percentage of the damage dealt.

What Smite To Take?

Hecarim benefits from taking the blue buff to improve his speed. The blue buff helps him catch his opponents with his E ability or use it as a disengage tool.

7. Fiddlesticks

Top 7 Champions with the Fastest Jungle Clear in League of Legends

Fiddlesticks has a trick to clear the red and raptor camps simultaneously. By positioning himself correctly between the camps, he can utilize his W ability to damage both camps. This saves time and improves his clear speed.

What Smite To Take?

Blue Smite

Blue smite synergizes well with Fiddlesticks’ ultimate, slowing enemies in his AOE damage. This allows Fiddlesticks to maximize his damage potential.