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Top 7 Champions with Exceptional Mobility in League of Legends

Mobility is crucial in League combat, allowing players to control distance and engage in fights. While champions like Hecarim and Talon are known for their map-wide mobility, this list focuses on champions with exceptional in-fight mobility on the rift.

1. Akshan

As one of the newest champions, Akshan is designed with high mobility in mind. His kit allows for fast and dynamic plays on the battlefield. With the right build focused on mobility, Akshan becomes a formidable force.

2. Rakan

Rakan, the partner of Xayah, is a highly mobile support champion. His abilities allow him to damage enemies and slow them down. Items like Mobility Boots and Shurelya’s Battle Song further enhance his mobility.

3. Kassadin

Kassadin has innate mobility that comes online at level 6. His ultimate ability allows him to blink multiple times, making him a highly mobile threat. With the right itemization, Kassadin becomes even harder to catch.

4. Akali

Known for her speed and elusiveness, Akali excels at diving into fights and eliminating squishy targets. Her kit is filled with mobility and burst damage, making her a nightmare for opponents.

5. Pyke

Pyke, the support champion, utilizes his mobility to close the gap, stun enemies, and secure kills. His abilities, like Ghostwater Dive and Phantom Undertow, allow him to move swiftly around the battlefield.

6. Rengar

Rengar is a ferocious hunter who can jump out of bushes and eliminate squishy champions. His passive ability grants him the ability to leap on targets, making him a fearsome threat.

7. Kayn

Kayn, the versatile assassin, can choose between two paths: Shadow Assassin and Rhaast. Both forms offer mobility and unique playstyles that allow Kayn to outmaneuver his enemies.

These champions offer a combination of speed, agility, and powerful abilities that make them mobile powerhouses on the rift. Mastering their mobility can lead to exciting and impactful gameplay.