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Top 7 Champions Perfect for Night Harvester in Season 12

In this article, we will rank the top 7 champions who use Night Harvester, a popular mythic item for mage characters. We’ll provide a brief introduction to the item and its details before diving into the rankings.

Night Harvester is built from Blasting Wand, Amplifying Tome, and Hextech Alternator (Ruby Crystal + Amplifying Tome). It costs 3200 gold and sells for 2240. The core stats include +90 Ability Power, +15AH (Ability Haste), and +300 HP. Its unique passive, Soulrend, deals bonus magic damage to enemy champions and grants bonus movement speed for a short duration. It also provides 5AH for every legendary item in the build.

Based on the stats, Night Harvester is more suitable for mages who need cooldown reduction. However, the rankings may vary based on playstyles and preferences. In this article, we will focus on Ivern, Vel’Koz, Diana, Elise, Shyvana, Evelyn, and Nidalee as our top 7 champions who excel with Night Harvester.

7. Ivern

Ivern is a versatile champion often used in the jungle but also viable in other lanes like Top or Mid. He’s known for his passive ability called Friend of the Forest, which allows him to create magical groves in jungle camps to receive gold and experience. With Night Harvester, Ivern can take advantage of its cooldown reduction and burst damage, making him a strong magic damage dealer. Whether played in the jungle or other lanes, Night Harvester complements his AP build perfectly.

6. Shyvana

Shyvana is a versatile half-dragon champion who can excel in the jungle or top lane. She is an excellent choice for Night Harvester due to her focus on magic damage and non-mana resource system. By building Night Harvester, along with items like Nashor’s Tooth, Cosmic Drive, and Sorcerer’s Shoes, Shyvana can effectively deal burst damage and pressure squishy enemies. Whether played in the jungle or top lane, Night Harvester enhances Shyvana’s AP build and allows her to dominate her opponents.

5. Elise

Elise is a jungle mage damage dealer with great crowd control abilities. Night Harvester is essential in her build, providing burst damage and cooldown reduction. To optimize her damage output, we recommend items like Zhonya’s Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil, and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, along with Sorcerer’s Shoes and Rabadon’s Deathcap. Depending on the game situation, Morellonomicon can also be a valuable addition. Elise’s AP build, combined with Night Harvester, allows her to effectively control fights and deal significant magic damage to her enemies.

4. Evelyn

Evelynn is a jungle champion known for her high magic damage output. Night Harvester is a great choice for her due to its burst damage potential. Building Night Harvester allows Evelynn to easily eliminate squishy targets. We recommend complementing Night Harvester with items like Lich Bane, Sorcerer’s Shoes, and potentially Mejai’s Soulstealer if you are confident in your abilities. Runes like Electrocute and Absolute Focus can further enhance Evelynn’s damage potential. Night Harvester enables Evelynn to dominate her opponents and carry games with her powerful magic damage.

3. Nidalee

Nidalee is a jungle champion that excels with Night Harvester due to her focus on burst damage and cooldown reduction. Night Harvester, along with items like Banshee’s Veil and Cosmic Drive, can greatly enhance Nidalee’s playstyle centered around reducing skill cooldowns. The AH provided by Night Harvester pairs well with Nidalee’s abilities and allows for more frequent use of her skills. Complemented with Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Nidalee can effectively control fights and deal significant magic damage to her enemies.

2. Diana

Diana is a versatile champion who can be played effectively in both the jungle and mid-lane. Night Harvester is an ideal item for Diana, as it enhances her burst damage and reduces cooldowns. When building Night Harvester, we recommend items like Lich Bane, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. These items maximize Diana’s AP burst damage potential and allow her to dominate fights. Night Harvester combined with Diana’s abilities make for a deadly combination, making her an excellent choice for players seeking to deal significant magic damage.

1. Vel’Koz

Vel’Koz, often played as a support but also a formidable mage, benefits greatly from Night Harvester. Night Harvester provides extra damage, making it an excellent choice for Vel’Koz’s skill combos. It allows him to effectively poke and pressure enemies. When building around Night Harvester, we recommend items like Seraph’s Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. This build focuses on maximizing burst damage and optimizing Vel’Koz’s abilities. With Night Harvester, Vel’Koz can dominate mid-lane and deal significant magic damage to his opponents.

In conclusion, Night Harvester is an exceptional item for AP characters who rely on burst damage and cooldown reduction. Each champion in the ranking benefits from Night Harvester in their unique playstyle. It’s important to consider build options and adjust them based on the game flow and enemy composition. Night Harvester enhances the burst potential of these champions and allows them to deal significant magic damage. Experiment with different builds and find the one that suits your playstyle best.