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Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

The support role is filled with champions that can shield and heal their allies, making it the most important utility role in the game. Healing and shielding can turn the tide of battle and provide crucial protection in clutch moments.

Imagine your health is critically low and the enemy’s ignite is about to finish you off. Suddenly, your support flashes in and shields you, saving your life. That’s how vital supports are, working tirelessly to secure kills and protect their ADC from enemies.

There are numerous support items available with incredible utility effects. Some can heal your entire team while damaging opponents. Others can cleanse you from crowd control (CC), granting you an advantage in team fights. No matter the enemy team composition, there is a corresponding support item designed to combat it.

Ardent Censer has been hailed as one of the most powerful support items. In this article, we will list seven exceptional support champions who can maximize the effectiveness of this item.

7. Soraka

Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

Ardent Censer’s unique passive has no cooldown, allowing you to use it repeatedly as long as you have a healing or shielding ability. Soraka excels in this aspect with her low cooldown on her main healing ability, W. She is not only the best champion to utilize Ardent Censer, but she is also one of the most effective healing champions overall.

Soraka’s passive enables her to move quickly toward an ally with critical health, allowing her to trigger Ardent Censer’s effects consistently. By using her heal on an ally every five seconds, she can maximize the item’s value. Ardent Censer’s effects last for six seconds, so resetting the cooldown every five seconds is a logical strategy.

Furthermore, Soraka can provide assistance to her ally regardless of their location on the map. She can even use Ardent Censer during team fights, granting a substantial advantage to her entire team.

Additionally, Ardent Censer grants a 10% bonus to its user’s healing and shielding power.

6. Sona

Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

Sona and Soraka have been the go-to healing supports throughout League of Legends history. Sona falls slightly behind Soraka due to her higher healing ability cooldown. However, she excels with Ardent Censer as her W heals all nearby allies in an area of effect.

Sona’s W allows her to provide shields and heals to her allies, making her highly efficient with Ardent Censer. She can benefit from the 10% bonus healing and shielding power granted by this item. Additionally, her W is a basic spell that does not consume significant mana or HP, unlike Soraka’s W.

In combination with Sona’s basic attack buff for her ADC, she can quickly follow up a heal with her Q ability to further enhance her ADC’s performance.

5. Nami

Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

Nami is an all-around support champion dedicated to healing, buffing, speeding up, and providing crowd control for her ADC. She is an excellent choice for building Ardent Censer.

While Nami’s W has a cooldown that doesn’t allow for quick triggering of Ardent’s effects, her Aery rune activates whenever she buffs or enchants her ally. This means that she can shield her ally every time Aery is off cooldown by using her E ability.

Nami’s E grants her ADC bonus damage on their spells or basic attacks, allowing her to significantly enhance her ADC’s performance.

4. Lux

Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

Lux is primarily known for her burst and poke damage, but she can also shield her allies with her W ability. While she is not typically classified as a utility support, she can provide significant value with Ardent Censer.

During team fights, Lux can help her ADC eliminate enemy champions while simultaneously protecting and buffing them with her W. This combination of offensive and defensive abilities makes her a great support choice.

3. Lulu

Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

Lulu is considered a “swiss army knife” support champion, possessing a versatile set of abilities including burst damage, poke, and exceptional peel abilities. She offers multiple shields, making her a perfect fit for Ardent Censer.

Her ultimate ability, Wild Growth, increases her ally’s maximum health and shields them. When combined with Ardent Censer’s bonus attack speed and on-hit damage, Lulu’s ultimate turns her ally into an unstoppable force. Additionally, her ultimate grants her ally tenacity, reducing the duration of crowd control effects.

2. Karma

Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

Karma is an aggressive support champion with a diverse skill set. She offers poke abilities to whittle down enemies before engaging and possesses crowd control abilities to slow or root opponents.

Karma can provide area-of-effect shields to her allies, making her a valuable support choice for Ardent Censer. Her shielding ability, E, grants a shield and increases movement speed to a single ally. Her ultimate ability, Mantra, upgrades her E, enabling her to shield all nearby allies.

Karma remains effective throughout the game, whether played as a poke support or as a utility support focused on maximizing Ardent Censer’s effects.

1. Taric

Top 7 Champions for Ardent Censer Support in League of Legends

Taric is often overlooked as a support champion, but he possesses incredible shielding and healing potential. His heal’s cooldown is reduced every time he hits an enemy unit with it, making his healing ability highly effective.

Taric’s ultimate ability grants invulnerability to his ADC for a few seconds and buffs them with Ardent Censer’s effects. This combination makes him a formidable force in team fights.

Final Thoughts

Ardent Censer is a powerful item that enhances the effectiveness of healing and shielding supports. Not only does it increase shield health and heal power, but it also provides a bonus to attack speed and on-hit damage. This item offers exceptional value and gold efficiency.