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Top 7 Aggressive Supports in League of Legends Season 12

Are you a support main looking to spice up your gameplay? Are you getting bored of healing, shielding, and carrying your ADC? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a list of the best aggressive supports to help you rank up and achieve your goals in LoL.

Types of Support Playstyles

First, let’s talk about the different support playstyles. There are champions whose abilities focus on healing, shielding, and giving movement speed to your teammates. Examples of these champions include Soraka, Janna, and Sona. These champions are easy to play and are often chosen by new players.

On the other hand, there are champions who are more focused on dealing damage and trapping enemies. Examples of these champions are Morgana and Zyra. These champions are chosen by players who want to have fun gameplay and make their enemies suffer.

Lastly, we have tank supports. These champions are fun to play and their main objective is to protect and support their ADC. Champions like Braum, Leona, and Thresh are excellent choices for this playstyle.

Top 7 Aggressive Supports in League of Legends

1. Zyra:

Zyra is known for her ability to stop aggressive enemies and turn the tables. She can be played both defensively and aggressively. Her abilities, especially her E ability, allow her to trap and snare enemies.

2. Brand:

Brand is a popular mage mid-laner, but he is also very efficient as an aggressive support. Playing Brand requires good timing and sequencing of abilities to stun enemies and deal damage.

3. Karma:

Karma takes advantage of her ultimate early in the game and can be played very aggressively. Her Q ability allows her to initiate fights and deal damage to enemies.

4. Nautilus:

Nautilus is a versatile support who can be played as a tank. His hook ability is one of the best tools in his kit, allowing him to engage fights and set up kills.

5. Leona:

Leona is packed with crowd control abilities and is a nightmare to play against in lane. She can stun enemies and initiate fights with her abilities.

6. Thresh:

Thresh is considered the best support for his versatility. He can be played defensively or aggressively depending on your playstyle and matchups. His abilities, especially his Flay ability, allow him to engage and peel for his ADC.

7. Pyke:

Pyke is a mix of an assassin and support, making him an excellent aggressive support champion. His abilities allow him to quickly close the gap between him and his enemies and secure kills.

These aggressive supports will bring excitement to your gameplay and help you achieve your goals in LoL.

Make sure to check out our other articles for more tips and guides on champions in League of Legends.