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Top 5 Supports for Tristana in League of Legends

Tristana is an ADC champion known for her long-range attacks and aggressive playstyle. Her rocket jump ability allows her to engage and disengage in fights. With her strong early game pressure, she needs a support that can help her survive while diving into fights. Here are the top 5 supports that work great with Tristana:

5. Leona

Leona is a great support for Tristana as she can follow up on Tristana’s engages with her own crowd control abilities. Her ultimate provides strong engage potential that synergizes well with Tristana’s kit.

Best Item for Leona: Deadman’s Plate

Deadman’s Plate is the recommended item for Leona as it provides movement speed and enhances her ability to engage and peel for Tristana.

Best Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

In the early game, it’s best to avoid fights as Leona doesn’t offer much support to Tristana at level one. However, once they reach their power spikes, the duo becomes aggressive and can abuse Leona’s crowd control abilities to harass the enemy ADC.

Mid Game Playstyle

In the mid-game, Leona’s ultimate becomes a strong engage tool that allows Tristana to burst down enemies. They should play aggressively and take advantage of their dominance during this phase.

Late Game Playstyle

In the late game, Tristana should play defensively and rely on Leona to protect her. Leona should be at the front line, preventing enemies from getting close to Tristana.

4. Nami

Nami’s enchantments and engagement abilities make her a great support for Tristana. Her E synergizes well with Tristana’s basic attacks, and her ultimate provides strong engage potential.

Best Item for Nami: Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer provides attack speed for Tristana, enhancing her damage output. The item’s passive also boosts Nami’s heals and can synergize with Tristana’s high attack speed.

Best Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

In the early game, Nami can heal Tristana and poke enemies with her W, making them a strong laning duo. Nami’s Q can set up kills for Tristana, who can follow up with her rocket jump and E + Q combo.

Mid Game Playstyle

In the mid-game, Nami’s ultimate enhances their engagement potential. They can play aggressively and take advantage of Nami’s crowd control abilities to secure kills and objectives.

Late Game Playstyle

In the late game, Nami’s ultimate works well for team fights and objective fights. She can also use her Q to peel for Tristana and protect her in team fights.

3. Taric

Taric is a great support for Tristana’s rocket jump engages. His Q and ultimate can be used to support Tristana’s aggressive playstyle.

Best Item for Taric: Ardent Censer

Taric benefits greatly from Ardent Censer due to his healing abilities.

Best Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

During the early game, it’s best to avoid fights until Taric reaches level 3. Once they reach their power spike, Tristana can engage the enemy ADC while Taric follows up with his stun, resulting in a guaranteed kill.

Mid Game Playstyle

In the mid-game, Tristana and Taric can become more aggressive and tower dive thanks to Taric’s ultimate. They should take advantage of their dominance during this phase.

Late Game Playstyle

In the late game, they should focus on protecting Tristana and playing defensively. Taric should be at the front line, preventing enemies from reaching Tristana.

2. Thresh

Thresh’s abilities synergize well with Tristana’s kit. His hook can set up Tristana’s rocket jump engage, and his flay can provide crowd control.

Best Item for Thresh: Deadman’s Plate / Turbo Chemtank

Deadman’s Plate or Turbo Chemtank are recommended for Thresh as they provide movement speed and enhance his engagement potential.

Best Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

In the early game, Thresh can hook enemies for Tristana to engage. Tristana can start with her E ability to burst down the enemy ADC. This aggressive engagement can result in an early advantage for the duo.

Mid Game Playstyle

In the mid-game, Tristana can engage enemies on her own or with the help of Thresh’s hooks. They should play aggressively and take advantage of their dominance during this phase.

Late Game Playstyle

In the late game, Thresh should be in the front line, using his hooks to pick off enemies. His engage can be the start of team fights, and he should focus on peeling for Tristana.

1. Morgana

Morgana’s abilities synergize well with Tristana’s engages. Her root and black shield can provide crowd control and protection for Tristana.

Best Item for Morgana: Liandry’s Anguish

Liandry’s Anguish provides Morgana with additional damage, improving her playstyle as a support and making her stronger in the late game.

Best Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

In the early game, Morgana can poke enemies and protect Tristana with her black shield. Tristana can engage with her rocket jump, and Morgana can follow up with her abilities for a potential kill.

Mid Game Playstyle

In the mid-game, Morgana can engage enemies with her root and provide crowd control. Tristana should take advantage of the engage to burst down enemies.

Late Game Playstyle

In the late game, Morgana should focus on picking off squishy targets and using her abilities defensively to protect Tristana. They should play as a team and look for opportunities to catch enemies out of position.

By using these support champions, Tristana can maximize her potential in the bot lane and dominate her opponents. These champions provide the necessary tools to protect and enable Tristana’s aggressive playstyle. Choose the support that best suits your playstyle and make the most out of your games with Tristana.

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