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Top 5 Supports for Kindred in League of Legends

Kindred is a strong ADC in season 11 thanks to the introduction of mythic items. Kraken Slayer and Galeforce are great choices to enhance her playstyle.

In season 12, Kindred pairs best with certain support champions. Here are the top 5 supports to pair with Kindred:

5. Morgana

Morgana’s black shield ability is perfect for Kindred, protecting her from crowd control. Additionally, Morgana scales well into the late game.

Best Item For Morgana: Shurelya’s Blessing

To help Kindred chase down enemies, Morgana can benefit from the speed boost provided by Shurelya’s Blessing.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Poke enemies with your abilities and protect Kindred.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Push the lane, lower enemy HP, and engage with Kindred using her ultimate.
– Late Game Playstyle: Use Hourglass to flash and ult in the middle of opponents, stunning them for Kindred to clean up.

4. Nami

Nami is an excellent enchanter support for Kindred. She can increase Kindred’s damage, initiate fights, heal, and speed her up.

Best Item For Nami: Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer enhances Nami’s abilities, increasing healing and shield strength, and synergizing with Kindred’s bonus magic damage.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Maximize your heal ability and poke enemies with your W.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Initiate kills with your ultimate and bubble, enchant Kindred, and go for all-in engages.
– Late Game Playstyle: Support Kindred from the backline, use your spells to keep her enchanted and heal her when needed.

3. Soraka

Soraka is the best champion for heals, keeping Kindred alive during fights. Her Mikael’s item helps mitigate crowd control abilities.

Best Item For Soraka: Mikael’s

Mikael’s is crucial for Soraka, allowing her to cleanse Kindred of crowd control and keep her in the fight.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Poke enemies with your abilities and maximize healing.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Stay close to Kindred, engage with your ultimate, and use your heals for aggressive plays.
– Late Game Playstyle: Stay in backline, focus on healing Kindred, and keep yourself alive for the team.

2. Lulu

Lulu is a versatile support with a wide range of enchanting abilities. She can shield, speed up, and peel for Kindred, as well as using her ultimate for additional safety.

Best Item For Lulu: Moonstone

Moonstone enhances Lulu’s support abilities, providing additional healing.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Poke enemies with your abilities and play defensively.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Encourage aggressive plays by speeding up Kindred and using your ultimate for engage.
– Late Game Playstyle: Use your Q to slow enemies and enable Kindred’s burst potential.

1. Yuumi

Yuumi is the ultimate enchanting support. Her passive increases offensive stats for ADCs, and her heals and ult can keep Kindred alive during fights.

Best Item For Yuumi: Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer enhances Kindred’s damage, synergizing with Yuumi’s kit.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Poke enemies with your Q ability.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Follow Kindred’s engages with your ultimate, heal when needed, and increase her damage.
– Late Game Playstyle: Stick with Kindred, heal, and enchant her during team fights.

These support champions provide the best synergy with Kindred, enhancing her playstyle and increasing her chances of victory.