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Top 5 Supports for Draven in League of Legends

Draven is a strong ADC in the bot lane. He has high damage and kill pressure, making him a great aggressor throughout the game. To maximize his potential, it’s important to have the right support. Here are five great supports that pair well with Draven.

5. Thresh

Top 5 Supports for Draven in League of Legends

Thresh is an excellent support for Draven because he provides crowd control and mobility with his lantern. Thresh can engage for Draven and also peel for him. With Thresh’s lantern, Draven can quickly follow up on plays and use his E to push enemies into Thresh’s ultimate walls.

Best item for Thresh: Zeke’s Convergence

Zeke’s Convergence is a great item for Thresh to increase his kill pressure and slow enemies, allowing Draven to deal bonus damage with his elemental attacks.

Different Playstyles for Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

In the early game, Thresh and Draven can play aggressively by poking and going for all-in exchanges once they reach level 3.

Mid Game Playstyle

In the mid game, Thresh should ward and control the minion wave, extending Draven’s lead. They should also focus on hitting hooks and flays to continue snowballing.

Late Game Playstyle

In the late game, Thresh should use his hooks and lantern to engage or peel for Draven. Draven’s high damage output can easily eliminate enemies once they are hooked.

4. Blitzcrank

Top 5 Supports for Draven in League of Legends

Blitzcrank is a great support for Draven because he provides gap-closing abilities and crowd control. Blitzcrank’s hook, knock-up, and silence abilities allow Draven to engage and secure kills.

Best item for Blitzcrank: Knight’s Vow

Knight’s Vow is a good item for Blitzcrank as it provides movement speed and survivability for both Blitzcrank and Draven.

Different Playstyles for Each Phase:

Early Game Playstyle:

In the early game, Blitzcrank and Draven can play defensively and use the bushes to zone the enemy ADC. They can also surprise engage and freeze the minions for better control.

Mid Game Playstyle:

During the mid game, Blitzcrank can roam and Draven can play weakside, using their burst damage for aggressive plays when they reunite.

Late Game Playstyle:

In the late game, Blitzcrank should aggressively look for hooks, with Draven following up to secure instant kills and gain an advantage in teamfights or objective fights.

3. Pyke

Top 5 Supports for Draven in League of Legends

Pyke is a great support for Draven due to their burst damage and execution abilities. They can quickly eliminate enemies together, especially with the addition of an item that resets Pyke’s ultimate cooldown.

Best item for Pyke: Axiom Arc

Axiom Arc is a good item for Pyke as it resets his ultimate cooldown with each successful execution, allowing him to use it multiple times in a fight.

Different Playstyles for Each Phase:

Early Game Playstyle:

In the early game, Pyke can use his invisibility to control the bot lane bushes and set up kills with his stun and hook combo. Draven can easily finish off stunned enemies.

Mid Game Playstyle:

During the mid game, Pyke can roam with Umbral Glaive and return to bot lane for aggressive plays. Their burst damage is unmatched.

Late Game Playstyle:

In the late game, Pyke and Draven should play like assassins, hiding in bushes and waiting for opportunities to initiate with hooks or E. They can easily eliminate enemies together.

2. Nautilus

Top 5 Supports for Draven in League of Legends

Nautilus is an excellent support for Draven when facing ADCs that can match his damage output. Nautilus provides peeling and crowd control, which is important for Draven’s survivability.

Best item for Nautilus: Zeke’s Convergence

Zeke’s Convergence is a good item for Nautilus as it slows enemies and provides bonus damage for Draven’s attacks.

Different Playstyles for Each Phase:

Early Game Playstyle:

In the early game, Nautilus should play defensively until he reaches level 3. Once he reaches his power spike, he can play aggressively with Draven.

Mid Game Playstyle:

In the mid game, Nautilus should play hyper-aggressively, using his hooks and CC to lock down enemies for Draven to finish off.

Late Game Playstyle:

In the late game, Nautilus can either stay beside Draven for peeling or take the front line, using his hooks and ultimate to initiate teamfights.

1. Braum

Top 5 Supports for Draven in League of Legends

Braum is an excellent support for Draven as he provides a shield to block projectiles and crowd control. Braum can create a wall of defense in front of Draven.

Best item for Braum: Redemption

Redemption is a good item for Braum as it damages and heals enemy champions, providing initiation and survivability.

Different Playstyles for Each Phase:

Early Game Playstyle:

In the early game, Braum should focus on protecting Draven with his shield, blocking projectiles from hitting him.

Mid Game Playstyle:

In the mid game, Braum should be in the front line, protecting Draven and using his ultimate to engage or disengage from fights.

Late Game Playstyle:

In the late game, Braum should stay beside Draven and block projectiles with his shield. Draven’s high damage output doesn’t require excessive enchantments or initiation; he just needs someone peeling for him.

In conclusion, these five supports are great choices for Draven. Finding the right support can greatly enhance his performance in the game.