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Top 5 Support Champions for Xayah in League of Legends

Xayah is an underrated ADC champion with high damage output and self-peel abilities. She can perform well even when faced with assassins on the opposing team and scales effectively even if she falls behind. To maximize her potential, it’s important to choose the right support champions. Here are five of the best support champions for Xayah:

1. Rakan:
Rakan synergizes perfectly with Xayah, enhancing each other’s kits. Rakan’s spells cast on Xayah boost her stats and spell effects, while Xayah benefits from Rakan’s ultimate. They can play aggressively in the early game, leveraging Rakan’s increased range, and excel in the mid to late game with strong initiations and CC chains.

2. Thresh:
Thresh’s CC abilities complement Xayah’s kit. His hook sets up Xayah’s root from her E ability, and his lantern provides self-peel and disengage options for Xayah. A recommended item for Thresh is Mikael’s, which ensures Xayah’s escape even if enemies try to stop her with crowd control.

3. Blitzcrank:
Blitzcrank’s hook can be paired with Xayah’s Q ability and basic attacks, allowing for extended CC durations on enemies. Zeke’s Convergence is an excellent item for Blitzcrank, as it enhances Xayah’s on-hit damage and provides a slow effect.

4. Nami:
Nami’s enchanting abilities work well with Xayah. Nami’s ultimate can be used to knock up multiple enemies, and combined with Xayah’s ultimate, it becomes a potent engagement tool. Rylai’s Crystal Scepter is a recommended item for Nami, as it provides a slow effect that synergizes with Xayah’s W ability.

5. Alistar:
Alistar’s chain CC abilities can lock down enemies, giving Xayah the opportunity to deal damage. This combination puts immense pressure on the opposing bot lane duo. Alistar benefits from Frozen Heart, which provides mana and tankiness.

In the early game, focus on securing kills with aggressive plays. In the mid game, utilize Xayah’s damage and the support’s abilities to excel in team fights. During the late game, prioritize peeling for Xayah and protecting her from enemy threats.

By choosing the right support for Xayah’s playstyle, you can maximize her effectiveness in the game and secure victories for your team.