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Top 5 Support Champions for Twitch in League of Legends

Twitch’s popularity has been on the rise in the bot-lane on platforms like Twitch. This can be attributed to the introduction of new overpowered ADC champions in recent times. However, with the start of season 12, we are witnessing a comeback of Twitch, thanks to the new item, Evenshroud. This item synergizes well with Twitch’s ability to kill multiple champions at once, especially when paired with tank supports that have AOE crowd control. In this article, we will discuss some of the best champions to pair with Twitch in season 12.

5. Leona

Top 5 Support Champions for Twitch in League of Legends

Leona serves as an excellent partner for Twitch due to her tanky nature and ultimate, which is an AOE crowd control. She can effectively protect Twitch from enemies and engage in fights to create opportunities for Twitch to deal damage.

Best Item for Leona: Evenshroud

Leona’s ultimate can easily activate the effects of Evenshroud, which helps protect Twitch and allow him to demolish the entire enemy team.

Different Playstyle for Each Phase

In the early game, Leona and Twitch should play defensively until Twitch builds his first core item. In the mid-game, Twitch can roam and Leona can enable him with her long-range ultimate. In the late game, Leona’s job is to divert attention from Twitch and protect him during team fights.

4. Lulu

Top 5 Support Champions for Twitch in League of Legends

Lulu is a great support champion for Twitch, especially in the late game when Twitch excels. Lulu’s all-around spells work well in various situations to protect Twitch and enhance his damage potential.

Best Item for Lulu: Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer enhances Lulu’s shields and increases Twitch’s attack speed, making him even more lethal, especially in the late game.

Different Playstyle for Each Phase

In the early game, Lulu can protect Twitch with her shield and poke enemies with her Q. In the mid-game, surprise ganks from Lulu and Twitch can catch enemies off guard. In the late game, Lulu should focus on keeping Twitch safe and casting her ult to knock enemies back.

3. Soraka

Top 5 Support Champions for Twitch in League of Legends

Soraka is an excellent support champion for keeping a squishy ADC like Twitch alive. Her late-game heals are powerful and can sustain Twitch during team fights.

Best Item for Soraka: Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer is the ideal item for Soraka as it enhances her healing abilities and provides valuable passive effects.

Different Playstyle for Each Phase

In the early game, Soraka should conserve mana and use her pokes strategically. In the mid-game, Soraka should play safe and focus on healing and protecting Twitch. In the late game, Soraka’s healing and enchants are key to the team’s success.

2. Alistar

Top 5 Support Champions for Twitch in League of Legends

Alistar is a strong tank support that can tank shots for Twitch and provide excellent peeling potential. His crowd control abilities can help keep enemies away from Twitch.

Best Item for Alistar: Evenshroud

Alistar can use Evenshroud to initiate fights and activate its effects, setting up multi-kills for Twitch.

Different Playstyle for Each Phase

In the early game, Alistar should play defensively and help Twitch secure last hits while reserving his abilities for peeling. In the mid-game, Alistar should initiate fights and protect Twitch. In the late game, Alistar’s main focus should be keeping enemies away from Twitch.

1. Nami

Top 5 Support Champions for Twitch in League of Legends

Nami’s kit makes her a versatile support champion for any situation. Her heal, crowd control, and movement speed enhancements make her an ideal partner for Twitch.

Best Item for Nami: Shurelya’s Battlesong

Shurelya’s Battlesong synergizes well with Nami’s passive, which gives movement speed to every champion. It enhances the movement speed boost and is perfect for engaging fights with Twitch.

Different Playstyle for Each Phase

In the early game, Nami should conserve mana and poke enemies strategically. In the mid-game, Nami can surprise enemies with engages and utilize her ult for better positioning. In the late game, Nami should focus on enchanting allies and protecting Twitch.