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Top 5 Support Champions for Samira in League of Legends

Samira is an incredibly strong champion in the game due to her versatile kit. She has excellent mobility and self-peeling abilities that allow her to survive while wreaking havoc on enemy teams. However, she can also benefit from playing with support champions who have AOE stuns or root abilities. One of the best aspects of Samira’s kit is her devastating ultimate, which can make enemies run away when her passive is built up. In this article, we will explore five great support champions that can maximize Samira’s damage.

5. Alistar

Alistar is a formidable front-line champion with AOE engage potential. His basic combo includes an AOE stun, which he can use multiple times due to its low cooldown. Additionally, his E ability prevents enemies from escaping, making it easier for Samira to catch up to them. Alistar pairs well with Samira and can set up early kills in the laning phase.

Best item for Alistar: Deadman’s Plate

Alistar relies on the range of his W ability for engagement, so having high movement speed is crucial. Deadman’s Plate provides the necessary movement speed to catch up to enemies, and its slow effect complements Alistar’s E stun.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

In the early game, Alistar’s engage potential is not very strong, but once he reaches level 3, he can set up kills for Samira. In the mid game, their engages become even more potent as Samira gains her ultimate. Alistar should be the one to engage for Samira in team fights, while she focuses on dealing damage.

4. Leona

Leona’s CC extension passive synergizes well with Samira. Leona has multiple spells with crowd control effects, allowing Samira to juggle enemies and extend the CC duration. Both champions have AOE ultimates that can work together to dismantle enemy teams.

Best item for Leona: Shurelya’s

Shurelya’s provides movement speed boost, strengthening Leona’s engagement potential and allowing Samira to close the gap for a dash onto enemies. It is also useful for disengagement when necessary.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

During the early game, Leona and Samira should play aggressively and aim for early kills. In the mid game, their engages become even stronger, and Samira’s damage can quickly eliminate enemies. In the late game, Samira becomes somewhat of a front-line champion, and Leona should protect her during team fights.

3. Pyke

Pyke is an assassin champion with high kill pressure, especially at level 6. His early game is strong, and his ability to control bushes gives him an advantage. Pyke’s ultimate can quickly finish off enemies, and his CC abilities work well with Samira’s kit.

Best item for Pyke: Youmuu’s Ghostblade

Pyke needs to move quickly around the map, and Youmuu’s Ghostblade provides movement speed boost. It synergizes well with Pyke’s engage potential and allows him to quickly engage with his W and Youmuu’s combo.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Pyke should play aggressively in the early game to abuse his aggressive skill set. In the mid game, both champions should focus on finding kills and dealing damage. In the late game, Pyke should be patient and look for the perfect moment to engage and set up kills for Samira.

2. Braum

Braum’s shield and ultimate provide excellent protection for Samira while she dashes and uses her ultimate. Braum can prevent enemies from stopping Samira’s ultimate, making him a great support for her.

Best item for Braum: Knight’s Vow

Knight’s Vow allows Braum to catch up to Samira quickly after she dashes towards enemies. The movement speed boost when approaching each other is beneficial for Braum to use his W ability on Samira faster.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

In the early game, Braum should focus on protecting Samira and using his shield defensively. In the mid game, Braum can engage enemies with his W ability, allowing Samira to follow up with her combo. In the late game, Braum’s shields and CC can block projectiles and keep enemies away from Samira.

1. Galio

Galio’s ultimate synergizes incredibly well with Samira’s ultimate. Before Samira casts her ultimate, Galio can use his to protect her from damage. When Galio lands his ultimate, he can stun and taunt enemies, allowing Samira’s ultimate to reach its full duration.

Best item for Galio: Turbo Chemtank

Turbo Chemtank provides Galio with the engagement potential he needs. The movement speed boost allows him to close the gap and set up his crowd control abilities effectively.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

In the early game, Galio and Samira should look for opportunities to poke and engage enemies. In the mid game, Galio’s ultimate can amplify Samira’s damage output. In the late game, Galio should be at the front line, engaging enemies and protecting Samira.