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Top 5 Ranged Top Laners in League of Legends

Top 5 Ranged Top Laners for League of Legends

Top lane is known for tanks and bruisers, but there are also ranged champions that thrive in this position. They have the advantage of being able to poke and bully their opponents from a distance. However, they do have some drawbacks, such as being squishy and lacking the ability to engage or provide tankiness for the team.

Despite these drawbacks, ranged top laners can be extremely effective if played correctly. Here are the top five ranged top laners in League of Legends:

5. Teemo

Teemo is one of the original ranged top laners and has been causing trouble for opponents for a long time. His range allows him to poke down melee champions and his shrooms provide excellent map control. However, he is squishy and vulnerable to enemy engages.

4. Kayle

Kayle starts as a melee champion but gains range as she levels up. She shines in the late game with her strong teamfight presence and the ability to negate key enemy cooldowns with her ultimate. However, she struggles in the early and mid game and is vulnerable to ganks.

3. Kennen

Kennen is known for his ability to stun enemies periodically, making him a strong kiter and teamfighter. His ult can be a game-changer if used properly. However, if the enemy team is ahead, Kennen’s ult may not have the same impact. It requires good decision-making and game sense to be effective with him.

2. Urgot

Urgot stands out from other ranged champions as he also has tankiness. He has strong pushing power and can kite opponents effectively. However, he is vulnerable to kiting himself and relies on coming out even in the laning phase to be impactful in team fights.

1. Jayce

Jayce is currently a very strong pick in the top lane. He has the ability to poke, engage, and kite effectively. His E-Q combo is excellent for poking enemies down. However, he can struggle against tanky champions and relies on getting ahead early to carry games.

Playing a ranged top laner can give you an advantage in lane, but it’s important to be cautious and mindful of your weaknesses. These champions offer a unique playstyle and can be a valuable addition to your champion pool.