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Top 5 Mid Lane Champions for Teamfights in League of Legends

Mid laners in League of Legends are important team fight champions and often played by team captains. They have easy access to all other lanes and the jungle, making them excellent in team fights.

The mid lane primarily consists of caster mages who excel at long-range skill shots. These mages can burst multiple enemies in one location or stun enemies within a certain area. Their long-range skill shots also make them great initiators. Let’s take a look at the top 5 teamfight mid laners.

1. Lux

Lux is known for her long-ranged skill shots and can poke enemies or initiate kills with her abilities. Her damaging abilities deal AoE damage, making her a great team fight champion. Her low cooldowns allow her to continuously damage opponents in team fights.

Best item for Lux – Horizon Focus

Horizon Focus enhances Lux’s long-ranged abilities by providing bonus damage to all her spells.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle: Lux is a lane bully who can zone opponents with her long-ranged abilities. Focus on farming and trading with your opponent using your Q, E, and passive.

Mid Game Playstyle: Dominate the game by roaming and helping teammates in other lanes. Use your ultimate’s long range to make an impact.

Late Game Playstyle: Clear waves quickly with your ultimate and continuously poke enemies with your abilities before team fights. Use your combo to burst down enemies before initiating a fight.

2. Orianna

Orianna excels in wombo combos and can CC and burst damage multiple enemies. Her ball can be placed strategically to intimidate opponents.

Best item for Orianna – Cosmic Drive

Cosmic Drive provides a huge boost in ability power and ability haste, allowing Orianna to have an aggressive playstyle with low cooldowns.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle: Use your Q to poke enemies and zone them away from minions. Trade with opponents using your Q, E, and passive. Focus on farming to scale for the mid to late game.

Mid Game Playstyle: Roam to other lanes and help secure takedowns. Use your ultimate from a long range to initiate team fights. Works well with champions with gap closers.

Late Game Playstyle: Poke enemies with your abilities and use Q as a ward. Make use of your burst damage and be aggressive in team fights.

3. Lissandra

Lissandra can easily shut down strong opponents with her ultimate and has strong poke damage and durability. She’s a great asset in team fights.

Best item on Lissandra – Zhonya’s Hourglass

Zhonya’s Hourglass allows Lissandra to survive in the middle of the enemy team and provide time for her team to follow up on her initiation.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle: Use your Q to poke enemies and bully them out of minion exp and gold. Trade with opponents using your Q and passive. Focus on farming to scale for the mid to late game.

Mid Game Playstyle: Help secure objectives with your ultimate and prevent the enemy jungler from counter smiting. Use your ultimate to initiate team fights.

Late Game Playstyle: Focus on utility and picking off enemy carries. Adapt to a burst mage playstyle and use your ultimate and Zhonya’s Hourglass for survivability.

4. Ziggs

Ziggs excels in team fights with his AoE abilities and low cooldowns, making him a strong damage source. He’s also great at pushing towers.

Best item for Ziggs – Liandry’s Torment

Liandry’s Torment allows Ziggs to continuously apply its effects with his low cooldowns.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle: Use your passive and Q to poke enemies and gain an advantage. Trade with opponents using your Q and passive. Gain control over the lane.

Mid Game Playstyle: Roam to other lanes and help secure takedowns. Use your ultimate to damage enemies in dragon pit and from a distance.

Late Game Playstyle: Focus on burst damage and initiate team fights with your ultimate. Cast your abilities before going into stasis with Zhonya’s Hourglass.

5. Seraphine

Seraphine was designed to be played as a burst and utility mage in the mid lane. Her ultimate is wide-ranging and resets its cast range with each hit.

Best item for Seraphine – Rylai’s Crystal Scepter

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter allows Seraphine to root enemies with her E by slowing or impairing their movement.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle: Use your Q to poke enemies and gain an advantage. Bully opponents out of the lane with your E. Focus on farming to scale for the mid to late game.

Mid Game Playstyle: Set up takedowns for your team by initiating with your ultimate. Be aware of your range limitations and play strategically.

Late Game Playstyle: Initiate team fights with your ultimate and stay in the middle of your team. Continuously poke enemies before fights with your abilities.

These mid laners excel in team fights with their AoE damage and utility. It’s important to choose champions that can hit multiple enemies at once.