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Top 5 Champions with the Highest Win Rates in League of Legends Patch 13.14

The Top Champions in League of Legends Right Now

League of Legends has a diverse roster of nearly 170 champions, each with their own unique abilities and roles. While every champion can be viable, some stand out above the rest in the current patch. Here is a list of the top five champions in League right now, based on win rates according to U.GG, a leading League stats site.

Top Lane: Olaf

Olaf in League of LegendsOlaf, the marauding Viking, has established himself as the king of the top lane this season. With a win rate of 54.01%, he dominates the isolated solo lane. However, Nasus, Garen, and Urgot are effective counters to Olaf.

If you’re looking for something different, Zac, Akshan, and Maokai also have high win rates in the top lane.

Jungle: Rammus

Rammus in League of LegendsRammus, the armor-clad speedster, is currently the top jungler, winning 54.09% of games. Taliyah and Shyvana are close contenders in the jungle.

Mid Lane: Aatrox

Aatrox in League of LegendsAatrox is a surprising force in the mid lane, boasting a win rate of 56.67%. Make sure to build him with Eclipse as his Mythic item for maximum effectiveness. Taliyah and Xerath are also strong picks for the mid lane.

Bot Lane: Kog’Maw

Kog'Maw in League of LegendsKog’Maw, the hypercarry void monster, is back in the spotlight and winning around 53.84% of matches. Seraphine, Karthus, and Yasuo are also performing well in the bot lane.

Support: Maokai

Maokai in League of LegendsMaokai is currently the top support, with a win rate of 54.36%. Taric and Rakan are also strong choices for the support role.

Honorable Mention: Renekton (Mid Lane)

Renekton in League of LegendsRenekton doesn’t have a clear dominance in any specific role, but he boasts an impressive win rate of 54.96%. If you play him in the top lane, you’re likely to secure some extra ranked victories.

These champions are currently excelling in League of Legends, so give them a try and aim for victory!

League of Legends, champions, top lane, Olaf, jungle, Rammus, mid lane, Aatrox, bot lane, Kog’Maw, support, Maokai, Renekton.