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Top 5 Champions with Strong Wave Clear in League of Legends

Wave clear is an important mechanic in League of Legends that can greatly benefit your team and yourself as a laner. It allows you to gain priority in your lane, set up for objectives, and roam to other lanes. This can give your team a strategic advantage and help them secure important objectives on the map.

Not all champions have the same wave clear capabilities. Some champions have targeted abilities that can only damage one minion at a time, while others have area-of-effect (AOE) abilities that can damage multiple minions in a certain location. Champions with AOE abilities are able to clear waves of minions faster.

In this article, we will discuss five of the best top laners with powerful wave clears that can help you easily gain lane priority.

5. Rumble:

Rumble is at the top of this list because he has strong wave clear abilities that can be used in both early and late game. His Q ability is his primary wave clear tool and has no mana cost, allowing him to clear waves without worrying about running out of mana. His ultimate ability is also great for emergency wave clearing as it deals strong damage and slows enemies that pass through it.

Best item for Rumble when wave clearing: Liandry’s Anguish. This item improves Rumble’s wave clear damage and adds burn damage to his abilities. It also has a passive that resets its effect duration when Rumble keeps burning enemies with his Q or ultimate.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:
– Early Game Playstyle: Focus on trading with your enemy using Rumble’s continuous damage from Q and basic attacks. Punish your enemy whenever they try to take a minion and aim to have the upper hand in lane.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Utilize Rumble’s wave clearing mechanics to push and roam. Use your Q to fast push waves and help your team secure objectives or gank other lanes.
– Late Game Playstyle: Use Rumble’s ultimate to quickly clear waves and defend your inner turrets. Focus on teamfighting and use your ultimate to initiate fights or defend certain lanes.

4. Swain:

Swain is a strong ranged top laner with abilities that deal AOE damage. His Q ability is his best wave clearing tool, and all of his abilities can be used to clear waves. Swain is a great wave clearer because he mostly builds mana items, allowing him to use his abilities to clear waves without worrying about mana.

Best item for Swain when wave clearing: Liandry’s Anguish. This item improves Swain’s wave clear damage and adds burn damage to his Q ability.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:
– Early Game Playstyle: Conserve mana and focus on trading using basic attacks. Use your Q to thin the wave when it crashes towards your tower.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Use your combos to clear waves quickly. Slow enemies with your W and finish them off with your Q and E.
– Late Game Playstyle: Focus on teamfighting. Use your ultimate and abilities to deal damage and heal yourself.

3. Jayce:

Jayce has a strong kit for AOE damage with his Q abilities in both forms. His Q ability can be cast with a long range and deals burst damage. Jayce also restores mana whenever he scores a kill, so he doesn’t have to worry about burning through his mana when wave clearing.

Best item for Jayce when wave clearing: Ravenous Hydra. This item provides AOE damage and life-steal, improving Jayce’s wave clear and sustain.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:
– Early Game Playstyle: Take advantage of Jayce’s two forms to poke or trade with your enemy. Focus on trimming the wave before attacking your enemy.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Manage the wave and gain a huge minion wave crash to allow for roaming. Jayce is a great roaming champion because of the movement speed boost he gets when switching forms.
– Late Game Playstyle: Use Jayce’s melee form for wave clearing and poking enemies. Continuously use your Q whenever it’s off cooldown.

2. Renekton:

Renekton has AOE damage abilities that can clear waves quickly. His Q ability empowered not only deals additional damage but also heals him, allowing him to stay in the middle of the wave and clear it without risking being killed.

Best item for Renekton when wave clearing: Ravenous Hydra. This item provides AOE damage and sustain.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:
– Early Game Playstyle: Use your Q and W to poke and trade with your enemy. Attack them when the wave is trimmed down.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Roam and clear waves quickly with Renekton’s empowered Q. Consider building Gore Drinker for sustain and active wave clear.
– Late Game Playstyle: Focus on peeling for your carries and be a teamfighting tank.

1. Illaoi:

Illaoi can spawn tentacles that deal AOE damage with her W ability. She relies heavily on her tentacles and can quickly clear waves with her abilities.

Best item for Illaoi when wave clearing: Death’s Dance. This item provides damage reduction, making Illaoi more resistant to enemy damage.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase:
– Early Game Playstyle: Use your E and Q to poke enemies and focus on dodging tentacle hits.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Use Illaoi’s ultimate to 1v5 with the help of multiple tentacles. Your Q has a lower cooldown, allowing for faster wave clears.
– Late Game Playstyle: Split push and spawn multiple tentacles. Focus on fights involving many attackers to maximize tentacle spawns.

While these top laners are known for their strong wave clear, there are other champions that can surprise the enemy team. Experiment with different champions and find the ones that suit your playstyle best.