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Top 5 Champions with Strong Wave Clear in League of Legends

Wave clear is an important mechanic in League of Legends that can benefit both you and your team. It can help you gain lane priority and set up for objectives or roam to other lanes. Roaming and objective control are crucial for your team’s macro play and give you an advantage on the map.

All champions can kill lane minions, but only a select few have the ability to clear a large wave quickly. This is determined by whether their abilities are targeted or AoE-based. Targeted spells, like Irelia’s Q, can only damage one minion at a time but can be used to quickly trim a wave due to their cooldown resets.

On the other hand, AoE-based champions have abilities that deal damage to a certain area, damaging all minions within that location. This allows them to clear waves quickly. In this article, we will highlight five top laners with powerful wave clear abilities that can help you gain lane priority easily.

1. Rumble

Rumble is at the top of the list because he can wave clear in both early and late game scenarios. His Q is his primary wave clear ability and has no mana cost, allowing him to wave clear without worrying about running out of mana. His ultimate is also a powerful wave clear ability that deals high damage and slows units.

Best item for Rumble when wave clearing: Liandry’s Anguish. This item improves Rumble’s wave clear damage and adds burn damage to his Q. It’s especially effective when accompanying a wave, as the item’s effect duration resets as long as Rumble keeps burning enemies.

2. Swain

Swain is a ranged top laner with strong AoE damage abilities. His Q is his best wave clearing tool, with low cooldown, low mana cost, and high burst damage. Swain can use his combo on minions to clear them instantly. He builds mana items, allowing him to use his abilities freely for wave clearing.

Best item for Swain when wave clearing: Liandry’s Anguish. This item improves Swain’s wave clear damage and adds burn damage to his abilities, including his Q.

3. Jayce

Jayce’s kit is strong when it comes to AoE damage. His Q in both forms deals burst damage, and his W in melee form damages enemies around him. He restores mana on kill, so you don’t have to worry about mana management while wave clearing.

Best item for Jayce when wave clearing: Ravenous Hydra. This item provides AoE damage while life-stealing, improving the range and damage of Jayce’s abilities.

4. Renekton

Renekton has powerful AoE damage abilities that can clear waves quickly. His Q is empowered when it deals additional damage and heals him, allowing him to clear waves and sustain himself in the process.

Best item for Renekton when wave clearing: Ravenous Hydra. This item helps Renekton clear waves quickly and provides sustain.

5. Illaoi

Illaoi spawns tentacle spirits that can clear waves when she uses her W on a target. Her AoE damage is strong, and she can spawn many tentacles with her ultimate.

Best item for Illaoi when wave clearing: Death’s Dance. This item provides damage reduction, allowing Illaoi to tank enemy damage while clearing waves.

In the early game, focus on trading and harassing your enemy while in the laning phase. Punish them whenever they try to take CS. Mid game is when you can utilize your wave clearing mechanics to push and roam. Late game, focus on teamfighting and defending your base, using your abilities to quickly dispose of minions.

While these are the most common top laners with strong wave clear, there are still flexible picks that can surprise the enemy. Wave clear is a valuable tool in your arsenal for securing objectives and dominating the map.

(Note: This article was rewritten for an esports news blog, with simplified language, active voice, and shorter sentences. Transition words have been added for better flow. The HTML tags and YouTube embed remain as-is.)