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Top 5 Champions in Korean Solo Queue for Each Role

Top Champions in Korean Solo Queue

Disclaimer: The data in these tables is based on Diamond level Korean solo queue games played in the past month. Champion picks from Master and Challenger levels were not included due to the low number of games played on those champions. Please note that some champions can be played in multiple lanes, so don’t be surprised if you see a champion listed in the Top lane table instead of another table. The placement of champions in these tables is based on the Korean professional scene and personal experiences in solo queue.


Champion | Win Rate | Games Played | KDA

Lissandra | 52.15% | 27,143 | 2.32:1

Riven | 51.83% | 47,415 | 2.05:1

Irelia | 51.59% | 17,968 | 2.43:1

Tryndamere | 51.51% | 6,717 | 1.83:1

Sion | 51.47% | 8,388 | 2.64:1

Top 5 Champions in Korean Solo Queue for Each Role


Champion | Win Rate | Games Played | KDA

Karthus | 54.96% | 4,820 | 2.55:1

Cassiopeia | 54.92% | 10,897 | 2.15:1

Akali | 54.06% | 13,789 | 2.30:1

Katerina | 53.01% | 14,743 | 2.73:1

Malzahar | 52.43% | 2,855 | 2.48:1

Top 5 Champions in Korean Solo Queue for Each Role


Champion | Win Rate | Games Played | KDA

Rek’Sai | 59.09% | 11,792 | 3.00:1

Pantheon | 54.11% | 34,253 | 2.61:1

Jarvan IV | 53.67% | 63,395 | 3.21:1

Fiddlesticks | 53.56% | 12,929 | 2.46:1

Wukong | 52.43% | 5,253 | 2.39:1


Champion | Win Rate | Games Played | KDA

Sivir | 55.57% | 20,725 | 3.01:1

Jinx | 54.03% | 32,109 | 2.69:1

Draven | 53.13% | 10,124 | 2.43:1

Corki | 51.84% | 23,933 | 2.99:1

Graves | 51.35% | 33,054 | 2.65:1

Top 5 Champions in Korean Solo Queue for Each Role


Champion | Win Rate | Games Played | KDA

Janna | 54.67% | 47,614 | 3.82:1

Annie | 53.79% | 14,160 | 2.32:1

Leona | 52.55% | 18,585 | 2.84:1

Blitzcrank | 51.86% | 37,353 | 2.83:1

Sona | 51.00% | 6,553 | 2.87:1

Top 5 Champions in Korean Solo Queue for Each Role

Special mentions:

Champion | Win Rate | Games Played | KDA

Swain | 53.37% | 1,808 | 2.45:1

Kennen | 52.72% | 2,870 | 2.30:1

Kayle | 52.40% | 8,185 | 2.54:1

I made a separate table for these champions because their most popular lanes are not clear. Kayle can be played in Top, Mid, Jungle, and Support roles. I haven’t seen Swain or Kennen in a while, so I’m unsure if they are better suited for Top lane or Mid lane.

Top 5 Champions in Korean Solo Queue for Each Role

Korean solo queue, champion win rates, champion picks, Diamond level, Master, Challenger, Top lane, Mid lane, Jungle, ADC, Support