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Top 5 Champions for Teamfighting in the Top Lane of League of Legends

League of Legends’ most popular game mode is Summoner’s Rift, and the strategies revolve around this mode. Each season and patch sees updates to the META, and champion releases also greatly affect the META. The current trend in champion releases is towards team fighting champions, who have abilities that benefit their team and can set up powerful combos. These champions often have AOE abilities that can stun or burst multiple enemies. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 team fight top laners in the game, based on data and experience.

1. Ornn

Ornn is one of the most picked champions in the pro scene for a reason. Pro players focus on team fighting champions, and Ornn excels in team fights. His abilities are designed for team fights, such as his Q that creates a terrain to slow enemies and his R that can knock up multiple champions. Ornn even has a passive that upgrades his teammates’ mythic items. Overall, Ornn is the best team fight top laner in the game.

Best item for Ornn:
– Sunfire Aegis: This item provides defensive stats and synergizes well with Ornn’s crowd control abilities.

2. Lilia

Lilia is a champion that was initially played in the jungle but can also excel in the top lane. Her abilities make her a great team fight top laner, especially her ability to put multiple enemies to sleep. Her AOE damage and crowd control can set up devastating combos for her team.

Best item for Lilia:
– Liandry’s Anguish: Lilia’s passive extends the effects of immobilizing abilities, and this item enhances her damage over time and stops enemy healing.

3. Gnar

Gnar is a popular pick among pro players due to his ability to hold his ground in the early game and his game-changing ultimate ability. Gnar’s rage bar allows players to strategically time their transformation into Mega Gnar and use his ultimate to stun multiple enemies. Gnar is a strong team fighting top laner.

Best item for Gnar:
– Sterak’s Gage: This item enhances Gnar’s damage when triggered and provides additional durability when diving into team fights.

4. Rumble

Rumble may have faced nerfs, but his AOE abilities still make him a great team fight top laner. His ultimate can be a game-changer, and his E can reduce enemy attack speed. Rumble’s AOE damage can be devastating in team fights.

Best item for Rumble:
– Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: This item allows Rumble to slow multiple enemies, making it easier to land his abilities.

5. Malphite

Malphite is known for his AOE damage and unstoppable engage potential with his ultimate. His abilities can set up devastating wombo combos, and he can be a durable frontline champion in team fights.

Best item for Malphite:
– Everfrost: This item can extend Malphite’s crowd control and root multiple enemies, allowing for longer engagement and control in team fights.

In conclusion, team fight top laners with AOE damage and crowd control abilities are favored in the current META. These champions excel in team fights and can make a significant impact on the game. Choose champions like Ornn, Lilia, Gnar, Rumble, or Malphite if you’re looking to dominate team fights and secure victory for your team.