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Top 5 Champions for Teamfighting in the Top Lane in League of Legends

League of Legends’ main game mode is Summoner’s Rift, and the strategies revolve around it. Strategies are updated every season and patch to stay relevant in the META.

New champion releases greatly affect the META, and lately, most champions lean towards team fighting abilities. These champions have AOE abilities that can stun or burst down multiple enemies.

The top lane is the farthest lane and is only crucial when objectives like Rift Herald or Baron Nashor are up. Top lane champions are mid to late game team fighters and can be the win condition for team compositions.

Based on my experience in League of Legends, I have compiled a list of the top 5 best team fight top laners in the game. Read on to find out the details!

1. Ornn

Ornn is one of the most picked champions in the pro scene for a reason. He excels in team fights with his AOE abilities and crowd control. His Q creates terrain that slows enemies, his W applies the Brittle stat, and his R knocks up and knocks back multiple enemies. On top of that, his passive upgrades his team’s mythic items.

Best item for Ornn: Sunfire Aegis

Sunfire Aegis is a great item for Ornn as it allows him to apply crowd control multiple times and provides necessary defensive stats.

Different Playstyles For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Play safe, farm, and avoid fights. Look for opportunities to engage with your jungler.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Push your lane fast, roam to mid lane, and look for tower dives. Help secure kills for your team.
– Late Game Playstyle: Regroup with your team for team fights and use your AOE abilities to secure objectives and win fights.

2. Lilia

Lilia is known for her clear speed in the jungle, but she can also excel as a team fight top laner. Her abilities can put enemies to sleep, allowing her team to set up devastating AOE damage. She can also deal continuous damage over time with her abilities.

Best item for Lilia: Liandry’s Anguish

Liandry’s Anguish synergizes well with Lilia’s Q, extending the effects of her damage over time abilities.

Different Playstyles For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Focus on farming and poke your opponent whenever possible. Play defensively against champions with gap closers.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Push your lane and roam to help secure kills for your team in other lanes.
– Late Game Playstyle: Regroup with your team, initiate team fights, and use your AOE damage to secure objectives and victories.

3. Gnar

Gnar’s playstyle revolves around his rage bar and transforming into Mega Gnar. He excels in team fights with his AOE abilities and crowd control. His ultimate can stun multiple enemies at once.

Best item for Gnar: Sterak’s Gage

Sterak’s Gage provides additional damage and maximum HP for Mega Gnar, making him a tanky frontline champion.

Different Playstyles For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Take advantage of Gnar’s ranged abilities. Trade with your opponent when your Rage meter is close to full.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Focus on pushing your lane and look for opportunities to roam and secure kills in the mid lane.
– Late Game Playstyle: Be the frontline during team fights and use your AOE abilities to initiate and deal damage to multiple enemies.

4. Rumble

Rumble is known for his AOE abilities, making him a strong team fight top laner. His ultimate, Equalizer, can deal devastating damage and initiate or disengage from team fights.

Best item for Rumble: Rylai’s Crystal Scepter

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter slows down enemies, allowing Rumble to land his AOE abilities more effectively.

Different Playstyles For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Use your Q to poke enemies and farm safely. Play defensively against champions with gap closers.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Roam to mid lane and help secure kills for your team. Continue to push your lane and control objectives.
– Late Game Playstyle: Use your AOE abilities to secure objectives and team fights. Consider using Zhonya’s Hourglass for protection.

5. Malphite

Malphite’s AOE abilities and crowd control make him a strong team fight top laner. His ultimate can initiate team fights and his other abilities provide utility and damage.

Best item for Malphite: Everfrost

Everfrost can prolong crowd control effects, allowing Malphite to further control team fights.

Different Playstyles For Each Phase:

– Early Game Playstyle: Use your Q to poke enemies and trade with them when your shield is up. Play defensively against champions with strong early game.
– Mid Game Playstyle: Roam to mid lane and help secure kills. Take advantage of your AOE abilities in skirmishes and team fights.
– Late Game Playstyle: Be the frontline in team fights. Use your AOE abilities to disrupt the enemy team and secure objectives.

Note that all of these champions excel in team fights due to their AOE abilities. Assassins may struggle in team fights due to their vulnerability. Choose champions that can contribute to your team’s success in team fights for the best chances of victory.