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Top 5 Champions Faker Should Play in 2019

Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok’s Champion Wishlist for 2019

In 2018, Faker of SK Telecom T1 had a challenging year. The team lost key players and missed out on Worlds for the second time ever, which affected Faker’s performance. He made more mistakes than usual as he tried to carry games solo, even when there were no advantages to gain.

Faker’s performance can be seen in his numbers, especially when it comes to champion diversity. In 2018, he played only 19 unique champions, the lowest number in years. This was surprising considering the variety of viable mid lane champions in the open meta, as long as Faker had support from his team.

However, things are expected to change in 2019. SK Telecom T1 has made significant changes to their roster, which should free up Faker to play a wider range of champions. Looking at his solo queue accounts, there are several champions that we would love to see Faker try out in the upcoming year.


Pyke is a popular support champion with a high play rate. Despite having a low win rate, Pyke’s playmaking potential makes him well-liked. Faker is also a fan of Pyke and often chooses him when autofilled to the support role. He has had impressive performances on Pyke, showing that he can carry games even when playing in an unfamiliar role.

Recently, Faker even experimented with Pyke in the mid lane. While he typically uses Aftershock keystone and buys Duskblade as a support, his mid lane Pyke build included an early Tiamat for waveclear. This unconventional pick adds excitement to the potential champions Faker could try out in the future.

Nunu and Willump

Another unconventional choice for Faker would be Nunu and Willump in the mid lane. Nunu recently received buffs to his AP ratios, making him a potential pick for Faker. Despite not playing Nunu frequently, Faker had a successful game with him in September, showcasing his skill and adaptability.


One trend in professional League of Legends is the rise of the mid lane ADC. Champions like Lucian, Jhin, Varus, and Corki have been played in the mid lane. Draven, who does not rely on critical strikes, could be a strong choice for Faker due to his early pressure. Faker played Draven in a game following his Nunu experiment and had a dominant performance with a 9/3/4 scoreline.


If Faker and his new jungler, Clid, do not have synergy, Faker might take matters into his own hands. Camille is one of Faker’s preferred jungle champions when autofilled, as she has strong ganks and engages. Additionally, she can hold her own in solo lanes. While not as exciting as other champion picks, Camille’s versatility could be an option for Faker.


In the top lane, which shares many champions with mid lane, Faker could explore the champion Kled. Kled is a fun and high-damage top laner with unique mechanics. Faker has played Kled in the past, impressing with his abilities and going 9/2/11 in a game. Kled’s ultimate ability allows for precise teamfight engagements, making him a potential pick for Faker.

Faker’s champion wishlist for 2019 includes Pyke, Nunu and Willump, Draven, Camille, and Kled. Fans are eager to see Faker’s versatility and skill shine with these unconventional picks.

Faker, SK Telecom T1, Pyke, Nunu and Willump, Draven, Camille, Kled