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Top 5 Blind Pick Top Laners

The Top Lane in League of Legends offers exciting 1v1 battles that test your skills and endurance. If you enjoy playing tanks and outlasting your opponents, this role is perfect for you. In Blind Pick, you have the freedom to try out different champions and find your favorites. Here are five top laners that are great choices for Blind Pick.

5. Garen

Garen’s passive ability, Perseverance, allows him to regenerate health when he’s not in combat. This makes him an excellent choice for sustained fights. If his health gets low, Garen can retreat and quickly regain his full health. Combining his passive with items like Warmog’s Armor, Garen becomes a formidable tank with high health regeneration. His abilities like Judgement, Decisive Strike, and Demacian Justice keep the pressure on his enemies. Garen is a solid top laner in Blind Pick.

4. Aatrox

Aatrox is a champion that thrives on enduring and inflicting pain. His passive ability, Deathbringer Stance, grants him lifesteal, allowing him to sustain in fights. His Umbral Dash also helps with healing. Aatrox’s abilities like the Darkin Blade and Infernal Chains are perfect for tanking and fighting against enemy attacks. Playing Aatrox as a tank with lifesteal items in the top lane can make him an unkillable force. Despite being designed as a bottom lane AD Carry, Aatrox is still a strong pick for top lane in Blind Pick.

3. Illaoi

Illaoi quickly became a popular choice in the top lane due to her dominance in teamfights. Her abilities like the Prophet of an Elder God and Harsh Lesson provide area of effect damage and crowd control. Her Test of Spirit can disrupt and damage enemies while they struggle to break free. Illaoi’s ultimate, Leap of Faith, covers the area with tentacles that deal massive damage. Her unique set of abilities makes her difficult to counter, making her a great option for Blind Pick.

2. Vayne

Vayne is primarily played as an AD Carry in the bottom lane, but she can be effective in the top lane as well. Her Tumble allows her to dodge burst attacks, and her Silver Bolts deal true damage, ignoring enemy armor. While Vayne is squishy compared to other top-laners, she excels at taking down tanks with her true damage. Building items that increase her true damage, as well as some armor and health, can make Vayne a strong top-lane choice.

1. Nasus

Nasus is known for his incredible scaling potential. With his Siphoning Strike ability, Nasus permanently increases its damage every time he kills a minion or enemy. This allows him to become an unstoppable force as the game progresses. While his other abilities help him tank and sustain during fights, his Q does the most damage. With enough stacks, Nasus can easily eliminate squishy enemy champions with a single Q. Nasus is a force to be reckoned with in the top lane.

In conclusion, these five champions offer different playstyles and strengths for the top lane in Blind Pick. Whether you prefer sustain, area of effect damage, or true damage, there is a champion on this list for you to try out. Have fun experimenting and finding your favorite top laner!