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Top 5 Best AP Bot Lane Carries in League of Legends

League of Legends is a popular game loved by many players. It is considered one of the best, if not the best, multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games. One of the reasons for its popularity is the vast universe it offers, known as Runeterra Prime, which includes rich lore, history, and hidden mysteries.

In this article, we will focus on the top five attack damage carries (ADCs) that can be played on ability power (AP) in the bottom lane. Typically, ADCs are played with attack damage builds, but there are situations where playing them on AP can be beneficial, such as when facing an enemy team that stacks armor. It’s not a common strategy, but it can yield satisfying results.

5. Kai’Sa

Kai'Sa AP Build

Kai’Sa is a versatile champion that can be played in various roles, but her best position is the bottom lane. She can be built as an AD, AP, or attack speed carry, depending on the game situation. If you choose the AP build, it’s important to understand how to evolve her abilities for maximum effectiveness. Building her AP requires skill and careful consideration of items, as a poor build can lead to unfavorable outcomes. Pay attention to the game flow and enemy team composition to make the most of AP Kai’Sa.

4. Twitch

Twitch AP Build

Twitch is another champion that can be played in multiple positions, including the bottom lane and jungle. When it comes to AP builds, Twitch can be a strong choice. However, there are differing opinions on whether AP Twitch is viable or not. Success with AP Twitch relies on understanding the enemy team’s actions and building items accordingly. It’s important to consider the enemy team composition and adjust your build accordingly. AP Twitch can be a powerful carry if played correctly.

3. Varus

Varus AP Build

Varus is primarily played as an ADC in the bottom lane. While not as versatile as the previous two champions, Varus can still be built on ability power. His damage comes from his skills, so building ability haste is crucial for maximizing his damage output. With the right build and runes, you can deal significant damage with Varus’s skills. It’s important to be cautious with your build and adapt it to the game situation, as blindly following a guide may not yield the desired results.

2. Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune AP Build

Miss Fortune is a marksman that can be built on ability power. While her AP build is sometimes more suitable for the support role, it doesn’t mean you can’t carry the game with her as an AP ADC. Her skills have AP scaling, allowing you to build her like a mage. With the right runes and items, you can create a powerful AP markswoman who can carry your team to victory. It’s worth trying her AP build as a backup plan when the odds are against you.

1. Ezreal

Ezreal AP Build

Ezreal has been consistently viable with AP builds throughout the seasons. He excels in poking and kiting enemies with his abilities, making him a strong choice for an AP ADC. When playing Ezreal on ability power, it’s important to prioritize harass with your abilities rather than relying on auto-attacks. Proper positioning and engagement in team fights are key to maximize his damage output. Building him effectively requires attention to patches and the current state of the game, as Ezreal’s viability with AP can vary. However, when played correctly, AP Ezreal can be a devastating force on the battlefield.

In conclusion, AP marksmen offer versatility and can be extremely powerful when built correctly. It’s important to consider the game situation, enemy team composition, and itemization when opting for an AP build. With proper runes and good build choices, AP marksmen can deal significant damage and carry your team to victory. They provide a refreshing alternative to traditional AD builds and are always worth exploring as a potential strategy.