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Top 5 Attack Speed Items for League of Legends (2022)

Want to destroy your opponents in League of Legends with lightning-fast attacks? Look no further! Attack speed is a crucial stat for many champions, allowing them to unleash a rapid barrage of strikes. Whether you’re an AD carry, jungler, top laner, or assassin, building attack speed can greatly enhance your gameplay.

But with so many champions and items to choose from, it can be overwhelming for new players. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best attack speed items in League of Legends Season 12. These items will give you a significant boost in attack speed, allowing you to dominate your opponents.

The Best Attack Speed Items in League of Legends in Season 12

Let’s dive into the top attack speed items that every player should consider:

5. Kraken Slayer

Top 5 Attack Speed Items for League of Legends (2022)

Kraken Slayer is a must-have for AD carries. This Mythic item provides +65 Attack Damage, +20% Critical Strike Chance, and a crucial +20% Attack Speed. Its unique passive ability, “Bring it down,” allows you to deal massive True Damage to your enemies. Additionally, Kraken Slayer empowers any Legendary items you purchase, giving you an extra 10% attack speed bonus. This item is a game-changer for any AD carry and a nightmare for squishy opponents.

4. Trinity Force

Top 5 Attack Speed Items for League of Legends (2022)

Trinity Force is a versatile item that benefits tank bruisers and champions like Ezreal. It provides a balanced mix of attack speed, health, and ability haste. With +35 Attack Damage, +20 Ability Haste, +200 Health, and a notable +30% Attack Speed bonus, Trinity Force offers a well-rounded package. Its passive ability, “Threefold Strike,” grants bonus movement speed and increased base damage on hit. As a Mythic item, Trinity Force also enhances the stats of all your Legendary items. It’s a solid pick for AD bruisers in the top lane and jungle.

3. Blade of the Ruined King

Top 5 Attack Speed Items for League of Legends (2022)

Blade of the Ruined King is a game-changer against tanky opponents. It offers +40 Attack Damage, +25 Attack Speed, and a crucial +10% Lifesteal. Its passive abilities, “Mist’s Edge” and “Siphon,” empower your basic attacks with bonus on-hit physical and magic damage, as well as a slow effect. This item is a fantastic addition to any champion’s kit, providing attack speed, lifesteal, and on-hit effects.

2. Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Top 5 Attack Speed Items for League of Legends (2022)

Guinsoo’s Rageblade has become even more powerful with recent changes. This item focuses on attack speed and critical attack chance, making your auto-attacks lightning-fast and deadly. With a whopping +40% Attack Speed, this item synergizes well with heavy-hitting champions like Tryndamere, Master Yi, and Vayne. Its passive abilities, “Wrath” and “Seething Strike,” increase your on-hit damage and amplify all on-hit effects. Guinsoo’s Rageblade is a force to be reckoned with in the right hands.

1. Phantom Dancer

Top 5 Attack Speed Items for League of Legends (2022)

If you want to taunt your opponents and outmaneuver them, Phantom Dancer is the perfect item. It offers +25% Attack Speed, +20% Attack Damage, and increased Critical Strike Chance. Additionally, it provides a 7% movement speed boost and a passive ability called “Spectral Waltz,” which grants bonus movement speed and attack speed. Phantom Dancer is an excellent choice for AD carries who rely on attack speed and movement speed to outplay their opponents.