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Top 3 dominant League of Legends team compositions for this weekend’s Clash beta

Get ready for the Clash global beta! League of Legends players are eagerly preparing for the tournament, polishing their mechanics, perfecting rotations, and building strong team chemistry. But to dominate the competition, you’ll need a powerful team composition in your arsenal.

Clash provides an opportunity for average players to experience the thrill of playing like a pro. This single elimination tournament features eight teams competing for top-tier rewards. To crush your opponents with synergy and skill, strategic decision-making during Champion Select is crucial.

Three Dominating Team Comps for Clash

1. Protect the Carry

This team composition strategy focuses on turning a hyper carry into an unstoppable force. The goal is to select champions that can provide shields and protection for an ADC (Attack Damage Carry) who has a strong late game but lacks mobility or escape options. To balance the team, other members should have early or mid-game power spikes.

For the ADC role, choose a late-game marksman like Kog’Maw, Twitch, or Vayne, who can shred through enemy defenses. These hyper carries will overpower even the toughest tanks.

In the mid and support roles, opt for champions like Karma or Lulu who can provide shields, health, and speed to protect the vulnerable marksman. Janna and Zilean are also viable alternatives.

Top laners can pick Tahm Kench to devour the ADC when they are in a precarious position. Engage tanks with AoE crowd control (CC), such as Gnar or Malphite, are also excellent for peeling or stalling for the marksman.

An Olaf jungle works well for this comp, providing early and mid-game strength. With shields and speed boosts, the ADC can rely on Olaf’s Ragnarok (R) to avoid crowd control effects and dive the enemy ADC relentlessly.

2. Unlimited Crowd Control

Being stun-locked for seconds by enemy attacks can be incredibly frustrating. Running a crowd control (CC) comp is an effective strategy for catching out enemies and gaining an objective advantage, especially considering the focus on dragons after Patch 9.23.

Choose a jungle champion like Elise, whose heavy burst damage and two-second stun from Cocoon can set up successful ganks and protect your ADC.

In the mid lane, champions like Twisted Fate or Malzahar synergize well with Elise’s ganks, allowing for chained stuns. Top laners with strong AoE CC, such as Gnar or Ornn, bring teamfight potential to the comp.

In the bot lane, prioritize ADCs like Ashe or Caitlyn to combo with supports like Leona, Thresh, or Morgana. Coordination is crucial for a Blitzcrank pick to work effectively.

Banning Morgana, Sivir, and Olaf can prevent counter picks to CC compositions.

3. The Wombo Combo

The Wombo Combo is a classic team comp that relies on chaining devastating ultimates to simultaneously CC and damage the entire enemy team. It requires champions who excel in teamfights, even if they aren’t the strongest laners.

A common Wombo Combo is combining Malphite and Yasuo, but Yasuo is often banned. In this case, replace him with Orianna in the mid lane. Orianna’s Shockwave can decimate the entire enemy team when used in combination with engage champions like Malphite, Gnar, or Jarvan IV.

ADC champions like Ezreal or Caitlyn can contribute to the teamfight with their damage. Supports like Braum, Morgana, or Brand are ideal for adding CC or AoE damage.

The Clash global beta begins on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 7:30pm CT and continues on Sunday, Dec. 8. Get ready to showcase your skills and dominate the competition!

Clash, global beta, League of Legends, team composition, dominant, synergy, strategy, Champion Select, ADC, hyper carry, shields, protection, mid-game power spikes, Olaf jungle, crowd control, ganks, dragon, CC comp, stun-locked, Elise, Twisted Fate, Malzahar, Gnar, Ornn, Ashe, Caitlyn, Leona, Thresh, Morgana, Blitzcrank, bans, Sivir, Wombo Combo, Malphite, Yasuo, Orianna, Ezreal, Braum, Brand.