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Top 10 Split Pushers in League of Legends

In League of Legends, split pushing is a strategy used when a team is behind or when they have a fed champion who can effectively out-push waves and clear weak enemy lanes alone. Here are the top ten split pushers in League of Legends:

1. Yorick
2. Singed
3. Trundle
4. Teemo
5. Camile
6. Twisted Fate
7. Nasus
8. Fiora
9. Tryndamere
10. Jax

Split pushing is when one or more players push down a lane while the rest of the team engages in a team fight elsewhere on the map. This strategy allows teammates to take down towers and inhibitors while the other team is distracted. It is important to have a powerful champion who can effectively clear waves, map awareness to know when it’s safe to push, and the ability to communicate with your team quickly.

Yorick is a top split pusher due to his ultimate ability, which summons a maiden that acts as a sixth player on the team. She can split-push while Yorick stalls enemies in a different lane. Yorick’s mist walkers also deal high damage to turrets, and his mobility is the only weakness.

Singed is a split pusher who lacks strong abilities to deal extra damage or destroy turrets. However, his speed and mobility make up for it. He can easily move to exposed lanes to push them and has great chances of survival due to his poison and ultimate ability.

Trundle is a perfect split pusher due to his abilities. He can gain increased attack speed and damage, making him great for taking down turrets. He also has good survivability and can communicate effectively with his team, making him a strong split pusher.

Teemo is great for split pushing because of his map awareness. He can plant mushrooms to observe incoming enemies and slow them down. He is also fast and can easily avoid enemies. His invisibility allows him to confuse enemies and avoid being caught.

Camile is a super mobile champion and deals great damage. She is powerful in one-on-one battles, making it difficult for enemies to stop her split pushing. She abilities allow her to easily position herself, fight enemies, and push lanes.

Twisted Fate’s ultimate ability allows him to easily move from lane to lane while the teams are busy. He can easily split push minion waves and towers for a long time. His damage and survivability make him a top split pusher.

Nasus relies on his ability power or attack damage to deal damage to turrets. He has good chances of survival, high health regeneration, and the ability to clear waves. Using his abilities properly allows him to push lanes and survive.

Fiora is a perfect split pusher due to her damage output. She is powerful in one-on-one battles and has great damage to take down enemies, turrets, and minions. Her mobility and abilities make her perfect for split pushing.

Tryndamere deals tons of damage and has great mobility and survivability. His ultimate ability allows him to survive for a short period. He can easily fight and kill enemies, making him a strong split pusher.

Jax is the perfect champion for split pushing. He has mobility, damage, survivability, and crowd control. His abilities make it possible for him to position well, easily push lanes, and fight enemies.

Remember, each champion has its own pros and cons, and it is important to adapt to the game situation. Split pushing is just one strategy in League of Legends.