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Top 10 Overpowered Champions in League of Legends

Riot Games has been announcing new champions in the League of Legends at an increasing rate. With so many champions to keep up with, it’s easy to forget some and not have the chance to try out the new ones. On the other hand, there are champions that appear frequently in matches and tournaments, to the point where it gets boring. In this article, we will explain what it means for a champion to be “broken” and provide a list of the top 10 most broken champions in the League of Legends. Let’s get started!

What is a Broken Champion?

When we say a champion is broken, we mean that they have become too strong, making the game unfair. The player who chooses a broken champion has a significant advantage over the other players. However, Riot Games strives to maintain balance among champions and items to give all players an equal chance of winning.

Sometimes, Riot Games introduces buffs or updates that inadvertently make certain champions stronger. These champions become broken due to these changes. In the following list, we will highlight the ten most broken champions in the League of Legends community.


10. Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao is an incredibly strong champion who is almost impossible to kill. Once he reaches level 6 and obtains his ultimate ability, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. During team fights, he dominates the battlefield, and opponents often have no choice but to retreat. The only way to fight Xin Zhao is to avoid him and hope for a chance to defeat him in a 1v1 encounter.

9. Skarner

Skarner became a broken champion after the Juggernaut Update, boasting a win rate of over 73%. He has the ability to clear minion waves easily and becomes the center of attention during team fights. As a tank champion, he poses a significant threat to the enemy team and can quickly eliminate enemy champions.

8. Zoe

Zoe is known for her unpredictable attacks, making her an ideal choice for this list. She has the ability to eliminate enemies and escape potential danger. Catching her is a challenge!

7. Akali

Akali is a champion that Riot has struggled to balance. She constantly receives buffs and nerfs, but she remains a formidable threat to anyone who crosses her path. Her invisibility makes her a difficult target, and she grows stronger as the game progresses.

6. Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate has been a broken champion since the early days of the game. His teleport ability allows him to surprise enemies from any part of the map. He was even stronger in the past when he could recall and return to the lane in seconds. The only way to handle him is to wait for him to weaken or hide under a turret.

5. Darius

Darius is currently one of the most broken champions. He deals serious damage, has high defense, and his passive ability allows him to inflict 300% damage to jungle monsters. It’s no wonder he is difficult to defeat.

4. Irelia

Irelia is considered a broken champion due to her ability to deal significant damage and her high mobility. She dominates the mid-lane and can easily escape enemy traps.

3. Ryze

Ryze has been a challenging champion to balance throughout the game’s history. He can become nearly invincible with the right build and has the power to take on an entire enemy team by himself.

2. Aphelios

Aphelios is an ADC champion known for his high attack power. He can become an unstoppable killing machine with the right items.

1. Nidalee

Nidalee, a powerful warrior, was pre-nerfed in 2016. Her abilities and hitbox made her a fierce opponent. Although she has been balanced since then, she still remains a difficult champion to play against.

These ten champions stand out as the most broken champions in the League of Legends community. While playing with broken champions may give you an advantage, it doesn’t guarantee an easy win. Riot Games continues to update and balance champions regularly. So, enjoy playing with these champions while you can!