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Top 10 Most Powerful Combos in League of Legends

League of Legends Wombo Combos: The Most Destructive Team Combos in Season 12

If you’re new to League of Legends or MOBA games in general, you may not be familiar with the term “Wombo Combo”. In League of Legends, a Wombo Combo is a strategic team initiation that results in a devastating combo from your entire team, often wiping out the opposing team. It’s a rare occurrence, but when executed successfully, it’s a sight to behold and is highly praised by both allies and enemies.

Wombo Combos can be difficult to pull off, but they are worth the effort for the spectacle they create. Some combos require champions with crowd control (CC) abilities to initiate, while others rely on coordinated dashes or positioning. Regardless of how they are executed, Wombo Combos are a highlight of any League of Legends game.

Here are the top 10 Wombo Combos in Season 12:

10. Kennen + Amumu

Kennen Amumu Combo

This combo is straightforward and relies on Amumu’s engage with his bandage toss. Once Amumu closes the gap and stuns the enemy team with his ultimate, Kennen can dash in with his E ability and activate his own ultimate, chaining stuns and dealing massive damage.

9. Zyra + Ashe + Rumble

Zyra Ashe Rumble Combo

This combo features three champions with long-ranged abilities. Zyra initiates the combo by rooting enemies, allowing Ashe to use her ultimate to extend the crowd control. Rumble can then unleash his Equalizer ability, dealing damage over a large area. This combo has low cooldowns and can be used multiple times in a game.

8. Oriana + Wukong

Oriana Wukong Combo

This combo focuses on crowd control rather than high damage. Oriana puts her ball on Wukong, who turns invisible and closes the gap with his E ability. Oriana can then use her ultimate to knock enemies back, allowing her team to collapse and finish them off.

7. Yasuo + Zac + Oriana

Yasuo Zac Oriana Combo

Yasuo’s ultimate is the star of this combo, as it deals damage and suppresses enemies in the air. Zac initiates the combo with his ultimate, while Oriana puts her ball on him. Yasuo then uses his ultimate to chain the crowd control effects and deal massive damage.

6. Miss Fortune + Jarvan + Leona

Miss Fortune Jarvan Leona Combo

Miss Fortune’s ultimate is the main source of damage in this combo. Leona initiates the combo with her ultimate, stunning multiple enemies. Jarvan then uses his gap-closing abilities to enclose the enemies in his ultimate. Miss Fortune can then unleash her ultimate, dealing massive damage to the immobilized enemies.

5. Yasuo + Oriana + Malphite

Yasuo Oriana Malphite Combo

Malphite’s ultimate is the start of this combo, as it knocks up multiple enemies. Oriana puts her ball on Yasuo, who then uses his ultimate to chain the crowd control effects. This combo deals high damage, especially against tanky champions.

4. Malphite + Fiddlesticks + Oriana + Miss Fortune + Leona

Malphite Fiddlesticks Oriana Miss Fortune Leona Combo

This full-team combo requires coordination and teamwork. Fiddlesticks starts with his ultimate to initiate, followed by Leona stunning multiple enemies. Oriana then uses her ultimate to bring all enemies together, and Miss Fortune finishes them off with her ultimate. This combo is highly destructive and can quickly turn the tide of a team fight.

3. Lulu + Gnar

Lulu Gnar Combo

Gnar’s transformation is the key to this combo. When Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar, he can leap onto multiple enemies to initiate the combo. Lulu can then use her ultimate to extend the crowd control effects, allowing the team to finish off the enemies.

2. Nunu + Ryze

Nunu Ryze Combo

This combo is more on the fun and troll side rather than strategic. Nunu initiates the combo with his ultimate, and Ryze uses his ultimate to time the explosion of Nunu’s ultimate, catching enemies by surprise. While not the most strategically useful combo, it’s entertaining to watch.

1. Rakan + Oriana + Cho’Gath

Rakan Oriana Cho'Gath Combo

Considered one of the best wombo combos in League of Legends history, this combo was famously performed by SKT against EDG. Rakan initiates the combo with his ultimate and W, followed by Oriana’s shockwave to bring all enemies together. Cho’Gath’s Q ability finishes off the combo with massive damage. This combo requires excellent communication and shot-calling.

In conclusion, Wombo Combos are a thrilling aspect of League of Legends. These combos showcase the coordination and teamwork of professional players, resulting in devastating team wipes. While they may be challenging to pull off, successfully executing a Wombo Combo is a true spectacle. If you want to see more examples, you can find videos on YouTube featuring the best Wombo Combos performed by professional players.

Pro tip: Always communicate with your team and plan your Wombo Combos for maximum effectiveness.