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Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Top 10 Fun Champions to Play in League of Legends’ URF Mode

League of Legends’ Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) mode is a chaotic and exhilarating game mode that players love. Although it’s only available for a limited time, it offers fast-paced gameplay and unique features that make it highly enjoyable.

URF mode is particularly fun because champions’ abilities have extremely low cooldowns and zero mana cost. This means that champions who rely on mana can use their abilities freely and constantly. Additionally, URF mode provides extra buffs like increased tenacity, attack speed, and movement speed.

10) Miss Fortune

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Miss Fortune excels in URF mode due to her ability to constantly poke and push with Make it Rain (E) and Double Up (Q). With items like Kraken’s Slayer, Berserker’s Greaves, and The Collector, Miss Fortune can deal consistent damage. Additionally, URF’s bonus movement speed, combined with Miss Fortune’s Strut (W), allows you to quickly move around the map and make impactful plays.

9) Seraphine

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

In URF mode, Seraphine’s abilities provide valuable poke and wave-clearing potential. Unlike in regular games, running out of mana is not an issue in URF. Whether played in the midlane or as a support, Seraphine excels at poking the enemy and protecting her team. With the increased ability haste and no mana costs, she becomes a nightmare for the enemy team.

8) Taric

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Taric becomes a terrifying tank in URF mode when built with Frostfire Gauntlet, Mercury’s Treads, and Winter’s Approach. His stun ability, Dazzle (E), can be repeatedly cast and restun enemies quickly. This provides ample opportunity for your team to eliminate the stunned enemies. Taric may not be a popular choice, but he’s highly underrated and fun to play in URF.

7) Hecarim

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Hecarim is a fantastic champion to play in URF mode, especially if you enjoy diving into fights and making plays. With low ability cooldowns, Hecarim becomes an even bigger threat. Pairing him with Eclipse, Mercury’s Treads, and Manamune allows you to chase down enemies easily with Devastating Charge (E) and constantly spam Rampage (Q). Expect pure, destructive fun when playing Hecarim in URF.

6) Nami

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Nami is a great choice in URF mode, offering poke, peel, and healing. Items like Luden’s Tempest, Sorcerer’s Shoes, and Rabadon’s Deathcap enhance her movement speed, ability power, and magic penetration. With URF’s ability haste, Nami can stun enemies with her bubbles while teammates deal damage. If you enjoy landing skillshots, Nami is a fun champion to play in URF.

5) Sivir

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

In URF mode, Sivir dominates the laning phase and overwhelms her opponents. Spamming her Spell Shield (E) for protection is easy due to the low ability cooldowns. Her Ricochet (W) feels endless, and Boomerang Blade (Q) is perfect for poking and wave-clearing. Sivir is a consistently strong champion in URF mode, capable of blocking most attacks with her shield.

4) Nidalee

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Nidalee is a top pick for players who excel at landing skill shots. Combined with Luden’s Tempest, Sorcerer’s Shoes, and Rabadon’s Deathcap, her Javelin Toss (Q) can significantly damage enemies. Nidalee’s poke and peel abilities make her a formidable opponent in URF mode.

3) Malzahar

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Malzahar may not be a popular choice in URF, but he’s a hidden gem for those who give him a chance. His consistent poke, peel, and silence abilities, such as Void Swarm (W) and Call of the Void (Q), are challenging for opponents to deal with. With low cooldowns in team fights, Malzahar can quickly turn the tide of the game.

2) Ziggs

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Ziggs offers strong poke potential with Bouncing Bomb (Q) and Hexplosive Minefield (E). In regular games, spamming abilities quickly drains his mana, but in URF, this is not a concern. You can throw bombs and lay minefields freely. Getting ahead in lane with Ziggs allows you to take down turrets swiftly. While playing against Ziggs in URF can be tough, playing him is incredibly fun.

1) Blitzcrank

Top 10 Enjoyable URF Champions in League of Legends

Blitzcrank is an iconic and annoying champion, particularly in URF. The low ability cooldowns allow him to cast and re-cast Rocket Grab (Q) almost instantly, striking fear into opponents. Playing as Blitzcrank is a blast, especially when you land your hooks. And even if you miss, the short cooldown means you can try again soon after.

Whether you enjoy speedy champions, high poke potential, or tanky disruptors, these champions deliver maximum fun in URF mode.

League of Legends, URF, Fun champions, Champion List, Game mode, Ultra Rapid Fire