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Timing of a surrender vote proves crucial for League of Legends players

Surrendering in League of Legends: Timing is Key

When it comes to surrendering in League of Legends, timing is everything. Since the release of Patch 13.16, spamming surrender votes has become a thing of the past, and players have realized the importance of choosing the perfect moment to surrender.

According to players on a Reddit thread from Aug. 15, the chances of your surrender vote passing increase significantly when your teammates are dead. In this state, they are more likely to be annoyed and willing to give up.

On the other hand, some players believe in playing out the game, recognizing that mistakes are part of being human. They hold onto the hope that the enemy team may throw their lead and that the tides can be turned.

Higher Rank, Lower Chances

While playing out the game and turning the tides may be possible in lower-tier games, the higher you climb in ranks, the smaller the chances become. High-ranked players understand the importance of playing around their lead and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Knowing When to Surrender

Many players admit to starting a surrender vote when their team gets aced. They recognize that the odds of their team surrendering when everyone is alive are low due to the “we can do this” mentality. They only resort to surrendering when the game is clearly doomed with the enemy team having significant advantages.

Next time you consider starting a surrender vote, think about the timing and the state of the game.

surrendering, League of Legends, timing, surrender vote, perfect timing, higher chance, annoyed teammates, mistakes, playing out, turning the tides, high-ranked players, unnecessary risks, aced, doomed game, significant advantages