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Three ADCs were picked more this year in the NA and EU LCS than all other ADCs combined.

The ADC Meta in the Spring Split of LCS

In the Spring Split of both the NA and EU LCS, the ADC meta was unbalanced. According to, Varus, Jhin, and Ashe dominated Summoner’s Rift this year, with a total of 544 games played. All other marksman champions combined only played 306 games.

Why Varus and Jhin Became Popular

Ashe has been a popular pick since 2015, but Jhin and Varus became equally popular this year. This was mainly due to the reworked armor penetration system introduced in the last season. The new Lethality meta allowed Varus and Jhin to benefit from Lethality items, which provided cheap early damage, ignoring the natural armor gained by leveling. This made their long-range burst even more powerful.

The Rise and Fall of Lethality Meta

The Lethality meta was short-lived. After its buff in Patch 7.5, Blade of the Ruined King (BotRK) quickly became the favored item for ADCs. Instead of broadening the meta, BotRK overshadowed Lethality. Jhin was quickly replaced by Ezreal, but this didn’t solve the issue. Lucian also rose in popularity but wasn’t picked regularly in the LCS due to his short-ranged attacks and lack of utility.

Looking for a Fair Solution

Before the LCS Summer Split, a fair solution needs to be reached. One possibility is a small nerf or cost increase to BotRK. Buffing Lethality again would only bring back the original problem.

ADC meta, Spring Split, EU LCS, NA LCS, Varus, Jhin, Ashe, Summoner’s Rift, marksman champions, Lethality meta, armor penetration system, LCS Summer Split