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This laugh-inducing champion combination can create 4 extra teammates in League of Legends’ Arena mode

New League of Legends Deathmatch Mode Features Strong Champion Combo

The new deathmatch-style Arena game mode in League of Legends is already causing a buzz among summoners. One particular champion combo has emerged as one of the strongest duos in the game, thanks to a special Augment featured in the mode.

In a popular video on the League subreddit, two teammates chose Ivern and Annie to battle against three other teams. While they weren’t initially dominating the game, everything changed when they acquired the Prismatic Augment called Ultimate Revolution.

Ultimate Revolution Augment Unleashes Devastating Power

The Ultimate Revolution Augment allows players to cast their ultimate ability again after using it. This gave Annie the ability to summon Tibbers twice on top of her opponents, while Ivern summoned Daisy twice, providing valuable crowd control and front line defense.

Deadly Duo Dispatches Enemies with Ease

The enemy team had no chance to respond as Daisy knocked up opponents and Tibbers burned enemies as a formidable tank. The combination of Ivern and Annie’s crowd control abilities kept the enemy team locked down, resulting in a quick defeat for them.

Related: LoL‘s new Arena mode: New maps, augments, champ cameos, and more

Countering the Champion Combo

While the Ivern and Annie combo may seem overwhelming, there are strategies to counter their effects. Utilizing spell shield abilities, items, or other Augments can prevent the crowd control from holding players down. It’s important to focus on isolating and eliminating each pet one by one, while also maintaining mobility to avoid getting stunned or rooted by Ivern or Annie. AD carry mains may find champions like Lucian, Vayne, Zeri, and Ezreal to be effective choices.

League of Legends, deathmatch mode, champion combo, Augment, Ultimate Revolution, Ivern, Annie, Daisy, Tibbers, crowd control, counter, AD carry, Lucian, Vayne, Zeri, Ezreal