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This impressive low-rank jungler dominates LoL but struggles in higher ranks.

League of Legends: The Rise and Fall of Lillia’s Win Rate

In League of Legends, each Elo has its own set of rules. A champion that dominates in Bronze might struggle in Diamond. This is exactly the case with the hyper-scaling jungler Lillia. While she boasts an impressive 55.22% win rate in Iron, her success dwindles as you climb the ranks.

According to stats site, Lillia’s win rate drops to 53% in Bronze and Silver. In Gold and Platinum, it hovers around 52%, and it continues to decline as you reach higher ranks in League’s ladder.

Shan Hai Scrolls Lillia holding her magical staff.
Lillia is easy to learn, but hard to master. Image via Riot Games

While Lillia seems powerful, she is far from being overpowered. She falls into the category of “noob stomper.” In other words, she is a champion that is easy to grasp, but has clear strengths and weaknesses. Other champions in this category include Amumu, Annie, Rammus, Dr. Mundo, and Teemo.

One of the reasons lower-Elo players struggle against Lillia is their lack of knowledge and experience. They fail to notice her weaknesses, such as her vulnerability in the early game and her lack of mobility. Lower-Elo players should take advantage of Lillia’s weaknesses and pressure her early on in the game.

If you are stuck in Iron or Bronze, my advice is to focus on mastering one or two champions. Learn how to play them effectively, especially when facing specific enemy champions.

League of Legends, Lillia, win rate, Elo, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, hyper-scaling, noob stomper, weaknesses, strengths, lower-Elo players, vulnerability, mobility, Iron, Bronze.