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This devoted fan crafted an exceptional chess-set tribute to League of Legends

Student Creates Intricate League of Legends Chess Set

An environmental design student at the University of British Columbia, Shavonne Yu, has designed and laser cut a stunning League of Legends themed chess set. Using Adobe Illustrator, she drew all of the pieces and the chessboard before cutting them on 3mm plywood and adding parchment paper to create a unique lighting effect.

The chess set was a special Valentine’s Day and anniversary gift for Yu’s boyfriend, who is also a passionate fan of the game. She explained on the League of Legends subreddit that she wanted to go the extra mile since she couldn’t make something in time for their anniversary.

Each piece of the chess set depicts a champion or minion from League of Legends. One side represents Demacia, with Jarvan IV as the king and Fiora as the queen. The other side represents Noxus, with Swain as the king and Cassiopeia as the queen.

While this chess set is a one-of-a-kind creation and not available for sale, Yu mentioned the possibility of making more themed pieces in the future. However, she clarified that she cannot sell the set or the box due to potential intellectual property conflicts with Riot Games, the creators of League of Legends.

The project took Yu a total of 40 hours, from design to assembly.

Source: Shavonne Yu

League of Legends, chess set, laser cut, student design, one-of-a-kind, intellectual property, anniversary gift