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These two League of Legends champions are extremely strong, causing players to quit until they are balanced.

Tryndamere and Jarvan IV in League of Legends Patch 13.18

In the latest update of League of Legends, Patch 13.18, players can expect nerfs for champions Tryndamere and Jarvan IV. However, many players believe that these champions are currently so overpowered that they require an immediate hotfix. Due to this perception, some players are even choosing to quit the game until these broken champions are fixed.

The Rise of Overpowered Champions in Season 13

Season 13 has been marked by a constant fluctuation of champions on the overpowered meter. However, since Patch 13.17, Tryndamere and Jarvan IV have consistently dominated the game. Their dominance has made lane matchups against them extremely difficult and frustrating. In fact, the community is calling for their previous buffs to be reverted as soon as possible, despite the upcoming nerfs in Patch 13.18.

Currently, Jarvan IV has an impressive win rate of 53.01 percent across all ranks, as reported by League stat tracker U.GG. Tryndamere is not too far behind, with a win rate of 51.47 percent. But what is causing these champions to be so successful on the Rift?

The Influence of Buffed Items

While the exact reason remains uncertain, it is believed that the recent buffs to three key items in Patch 13.17 have greatly contributed to the success of Tryndamere and Jarvan IV. These items include Stridebreaker, a core item for Tryndamere, The Spear of Shojin, a core item for Jarvan IV, and changes to Goredrinker.

Typically, such significant buffs to items do not lead to such significant increases in win rates. However, the substantial health buffs provided by these items, in particular, have made Jarvan IV and Tryndamere almost unstoppable.

Player Concerns and Future Outlook

The community has raised concerns about Riot’s decision to buff these items, especially Spear of Shojin. Players are unsure who to ban or even which champions to play due to the frequent bans of strong top lane champions. Some players are even questioning whether they should continue playing the game due to the oppressive nature of Tryndamere and Jarvan IV.

Unfortunately, the upcoming patch is not expected to bring significant changes to these champions, as they will receive only minimal nerfs. Therefore, if you are looking to improve your rank, now might be the ideal time to utilize Tryndamere and Jarvan IV in ranked games.

However, if you find yourself facing off against these overpowered champions, best of luck, as they are likely to remain dominant in the next few weeks.