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These 3 unlikely champions dominate the bottom lane carry role in LoL with impressive win rates

League of Legends: Unexpected Picks Dominating Bottom Lane Carry Role

Traditionally, the bottom lane in League of Legends has been dominated by Runeterra’s favorite master blasters. However, recent updates have brought about some surprising choices taking over the carry role.

According to U.GG, Patch 13.13 has seen Karthus, Seraphine, and Ziggs rise to the top of the win rate charts for bottom lane carries. These AP mages are typically found in the mid lane or support role, but they have found a new niche as carry picks.

In the past five patches, Karthus has consistently held the top win rate spot among bottom lane carries. With his ability to scale throughout the game and the threat of his ultimate ability, Requiem, Karthus poses a challenge from any position on the map.

Similarly, Seraphine poses a threat in the bottom lane with her exceptional range and crowd control. She can safely farm and damage enemies while providing strong healing and shielding capabilities to her teammates in later stages of the match.

Ziggs has also become a popular choice for various roles, including the bottom lane. Although he may not shine in the early game, Ziggs excels at zoning out opponents and controlling objectives, making him a valuable champion for team strategy.

It is important to note that these champions require careful planning when it comes to team composition. Without a traditional AD carry, the team may lack consistent damage in teamfights. This means other teammates will need to fulfill the AD threat, potentially pushing them out of their comfort zones. While AP carries can be powerful in the right circumstances, their impact diminishes in the wrong team composition.

League of Legends, bottom lane, carry role, unexpected picks, win rate, AP mages, Karthus, Seraphine, Ziggs, team composition