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These 2 League of Legends champs remain dominant in lower ranks post Patch 13.15 nerfs

Maokai and Shyvana Continue to Dominate in League of Legends

Even after receiving nerfs in the latest update (Patch 13.15), Maokai and Shyvana are still reigning supreme in the lower rankings of League of Legends. Their win rates remain high, indicating that the nerfs were not enough to significantly impact their performance.

In Silver, Maokai boasts an impressive 55.44% win rate as both a top laner and support, making him the strongest pick in that rank. He also holds the fourth-best win rate of 52.56% among junglers. Similarly, Shyvana is dominating in Silver with a sky-high win rate of 54.16% as the best jungler and 52.93% win rate in the top lane.

These champions also perform well in Bronze and Iron, although Shyvana excels slightly more than Maokai in these ranks.

The changes implemented by Riot Games in Patch 13.15 were specifically aimed at weakening Maokai’s strength in professional play while maintaining his solo queue performance. Similarly, Shyvana’s nerfs were intended to weaken her in the late game but not affect her performance in other aspects of the game.

It is not surprising to see these results, as the nerfs to Maokai’s Q ability and adjustments to Shyvana’s basic stats were relatively minor. Although they may not be as powerful in higher ranks, skilled players can still make a significant impact with these champions.

Overall, Maokai and Shyvana continue to dominate the League of Legends scene, proving their strength and versatility even after the recent nerfs.

Maokai, Shyvana, League of Legends, nerfs, win rates, Silver, Bronze, Iron