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There is a significant undocumented bug causing severe issues with Azir.

Azir Bug Making Champion Unplayable in League of Legends

Every day since Patch 7.9 released, more and more Azir players are experiencing a bug that is making the champion almost impossible to play in League of Legends.

The bug specifically affects Azir’s W ability, his soldiers. In some instances, the soldiers will successfully auto attack an enemy champion or minion, but no damage is registered.

This bug is completely random, with no warning to the player that the soldiers will stop dealing damage after a few hits. Players have been unable to find a way to make the soldiers damage their enemies again. This means that in team fights or during the laning phase, Azir can fail to register kills on enemy champions or minions. Not only does this bug prevent Azir from dealing damage, but it also denies him potential gold and experience. If this bug continues to occur, it could render Azir irrelevant in the match.

Unfortunately, bugfixes often take a while to be implemented in League of Legends. While there have been emergency nerfs for overpowered champions in the past, they are rare and typically only happen when a champion is in desperate need of repairs.

If these bugs are going to be fixed, it likely won’t happen until Patch 7.10 or 7.11.