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The Victors and Vanquished in the Latest LoL Update, Patch 13.9

League of Legends Patch 13.9: Winners and Losers

The recent release of League of Legends Patch 13.9 on May 3 has brought about some important changes to the game. While the patch itself only includes a few minor adjustments, it has still had a significant impact on the meta. Here are the winners and losers of Patch 13.9.

Winners of League of Legends Patch 13.9


Kha’Zix has seen a rise in popularity among junglers, thanks in part to recent buffs. His main Q ability has been strengthened, and the current jungle meta strongly favors him. With many squishy junglers in play, Kha’Zix can invade their territory and punish them effectively. Additionally, his First Strike rune allows him to gain a gold advantage without necessarily getting kills. Kha’Zix’s pick rate has surged to over 15 percent at platinum Elo and above, with a 51 percent win rate.


Fizz has unexpectedly emerged as a strong mid-lane pick, boasting a win rate of over 51 percent and a pick rate approaching six percent. Although his most recent buff came in Patch 13.5, players seem to have realized Fizz’s true power, and the buffs have proven more impactful than initially expected. The changes to his E ability, Playful Trickster, have increased his mobility, while his W, Seastone Trident, now restores mana, allowing for easier minion farming. While not the most popular choice, Fizz is an excellent niche pick for those looking to punish short-range champions in lane.


Bel’Veth has received number adjustments that have strengthened her jungle clear, making her a much more viable option for players. Her win rate has increased to 52 percent, and she now boasts a 4.8 percent pick rate at platinum Elo and above. While not as popular as other champions, Bel’Veth has found her place in the meta, particularly excelling against melee champions. If you’re looking for a carry champion in the jungle, Bel’Veth is a great choice.


Trundle, known for his simple yet effective kit, has been given some buffs to his attack speed and mana, making him more reliable in fights. While not a top pick, his win rate has increased by nearly two percent compared to the previous patch, and he now poses a stronger counter to tanks and melee champions.

Losers of League of Legends Patch 13.9

Lee Sin

Unfortunately, Lee Sin’s win rate has dropped to below 47 percent. This decline can be attributed to a bug fix that inadvertently created a delay in his W ability, Safeguard, affecting the speed and fluidity of his combos. Until this bug is resolved, it’s best to avoid playing Lee Sin in Patch 13.9.


Sion, the top lane tank, has been hit with a significant nerf. The health decay under his passive ability has been increased, making it harder to kill him late in the game. As a result, Sion’s win rate has dropped by one percent from the previous patch. While his play rate is still relatively high, it remains to be seen whether this nerf will render him obsolete. For now, it’s best to avoid picking Sion unless absolutely necessary.

League of Legends, Patch 13.9, winners, losers, Kha’Zix, Fizz, Bel’Veth, Trundle, Lee Sin, Sion