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The unexciting meta is evident with the prevalence of Mid lane Galio.

Why the Mid Lane Meta in League of Legends Needs Some Changes

Imagine this scenario: you’re playing League of Legends as a bot lane carry and you’ve just won your lane. Now, you’re heading up to the mid lane. But as soon as you arrive, the enemy mid laner, a Galio, hits you with a Q ability that takes out half of your health. You check the scoreboard and realize that you’re only his first kill and he’s not even that fed. Frustrating, right?

The Problem with Galio and the Mid Lane Meta

Galio is currently one of the most popular mid lane champions in the game, and it’s not a good thing. Many players believe that his Q ability is a bit too strong in the current meta. But even if he wasn’t overpowered, Galio would still be a dominant pick because he fits perfectly into the meta.

The mid lane meta is rough right now. Champions like Galio, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, and Malzahar are in control. They excel at stalling the game, avoiding fights, and using their abilities to melt through carries. Unlike some other champions, they don’t need kills to snowball and they always reach their power spikes. This results in a boring and slow meta that doesn’t leave much room for skill expression.

Possible Changes to Improve the Mid Lane Meta

So, what can be done to make the mid lane meta more interesting? Buffing individual champions is not the answer because it could make the situation worse. Instead, buffs could be focused on runes or items that encourage early-game fighting and more aggression in the mid lane. For example, changes to the Electrocute rune or slight nerfs to defensive runes could help shake things up.

Hopefully, some changes will happen soon to make the mid lane meta more enjoyable for players.

League of Legends, mid lane meta, Galio, champions, meta changes