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The Ultimate Veigar Build for League of Legends

Veigar Guide: Best Items and Runes for League of Legends

League of Legends features a wide array of champions with varying abilities and playstyles. One such champion is Veigar, who relies on ability power (AP) to deal devastating damage. In this guide, we’ll explore the best items and runes to enhance Veigar’s power and maximize his potential in the game.

Runes for Veigar

Sorcery Runes
– Arcane Comet: Veigar relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, making Arcane Comet a great choice. This rune increases the damage of Veigar’s abilities by launching a comet at nearby enemies.
– Manaflow Band: Since Veigar frequently uses his abilities, mana management is crucial. Manaflow Band increases Veigar’s maximum mana when he hits an enemy champion, allowing him to cast more spells and farm efficiently.
– Transcendence: Cooldown reduction is essential for Veigar to use his abilities effectively. Transcendence grants Veigar a 10% bonus cooldown reduction once he reaches level 10.
– Gathering Storm: As the game progresses, champions naturally become stronger. Gathering Storm grants Veigar bonus ability power every 10 minutes, giving him an edge in late-game duels.

Inspiration Runes
– Perfect Timing: Veigar needs an escape plan if he gets caught in combat with his abilities on cooldown. Perfect Timing provides a Stopwatch that can be used for a 2.5-second stasis, rendering Veigar invincible temporarily.
– Cosmic Insight: This rune offers all-around cooldown reduction for Veigar, including reductions for summoner spells and item cooldowns.

Starting Items for Veigar

Doran’s Ring: Doran’s Ring is the go-to starting item for AP champions in the mid lane. It provides ability power, health, and mana restoration, allowing Veigar to deal more damage and sustain in the lane.

Health Potion: Veigar may face challenging matchups, and having a health potion can provide some sustain. It restores 150 health over 15 seconds, making it a worthwhile investment for early-game survivability.

Core Items for Veigar

Luden’s Echo: Luden’s Echo amplifies Veigar’s damage and offers valuable stat boosts. The item’s unique passive provides cooldown reduction and releases a charged shot, damaging nearby enemies.
Sorcerer’s Shoes: These boots grant magic penetration and increased movement speed, enhancing Veigar’s overall damage output and mobility.
Rabadon’s Deathcap: Rabadon’s Deathcap is a must-have item for Veigar. It provides a substantial increase in ability power, further boosting his damage potential.

Late-Game Items for Veigar

Void Staff: As the game progresses, Veigar needs items that can penetrate enemy defenses. Void Staff offers additional ability power and ignores a percentage of the enemy’s magic resistance, allowing Veigar to deal significant damage.
Zhonya’s Hourglass: Zhonya’s Hourglass grants ability power, armor, and cooldown reduction. Its unique active ability puts Veigar into stasis, making him invincible for a short duration, which can be a game-changer in team fights.
Twin Shadows: Twin Shadows aids Veigar in targeting and slowing down enemy champions. It grants ability power, movement speed, and cooldown reduction, making it perfect for catching enemies off-guard.

With the right combination of items and runes, Veigar becomes a formidable force in League of Legends. Mastering his abilities and maximizing his AP will lead to victory on the Rift.

Veigar, League of Legends, items, runes, ability power, Luden’s Echo, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Void Staff