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The Ultimate Guide: Optimal Warding Spots for the Top Lane

Importance of Vision in League of Legends

League of Legends heavily relies on player knowledge and having the upper hand in vision can give you a significant advantage. It’s crucial to know where your enemies are to maneuver around them and prepare for surprises. By properly warding and countering enemy wards, you can stay safe from ganks and coordinate kills more effectively. Vision is essential for laning solo and gaining early advantages.

Map and Lane Awareness – Knowing Where to Look

Faker’s famous map awareness may be difficult to replicate, but there are practical ways to improve your map and lane awareness. Keeping an eye on the minimap is crucial for gathering information about the game. It’s important to increase your team’s vision by proactively using wards and trinkets. Pay attention to your opponents and their movements, as it can provide valuable information. Enhancing your map awareness and combining it with proper wards can greatly increase your chances of success.

The Ward, The Trinket, and the Sweeper

In League of Legends, the warding system has evolved over the years. Players can no longer spam wards everywhere, and the vision aspect has become more valuable. There are three options for warding: control wards, trinkets, and sweepers. Control wards provide vision and counter-vision, trinkets are free and can be refreshed, and sweepers disable enemy wards. It’s important for top laners to start with a ward trinket and use it early in the game. Control wards are useful for disabling enemy wards, but defending them is equally important. Communicate with your support and jungler to ensure proper sweeping of enemy wards.

Best Places to Put Wards in the Top Lane

Warding in the top lane depends on the side you’re playing on. The river is a crucial spot to ward, as it allows you to track enemy movements and prevent ganks. The scuttler crab provides vision and should be prioritized. Warding the three lane bushes and the tri-bushes on both sides can help prevent attacks from behind. Control wards should be placed in the river to reveal enemy wards. Additionally, warding your side’s buff and top lane bushes can provide extra safety. Ward placement is key to avoiding dangerous situations and gaining an advantage in the top lane.

Author’s Comment on the Control Ward Debate

While top-level players may argue that control wards are too expensive for their benefits, they are still valuable in lower divisions. Control wards are an effective way to destroy enemy vision and can be used as baits for fights. Lower-tiered players often have the tendency to attack control wards without thinking, making them vulnerable to ambushes. In lower divisions, control wards can be used strategically for extra gold and XP.


Understanding the importance of vision and proper warding is crucial for success in the top lane. By having knowledge of enemy movements and properly placing wards, you can stay safe and gain advantages in the game. Map awareness and vision are essential for all players, and by following these principles, you can improve your gameplay and climb the ranks. Good luck on the rift!