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The Ultimate Cho’Gath Build for League of Legends Season 12

The Best Cho’Gath Build for Season 12 in League of Legends

Cho’Gath is known as one of the best and easiest-to-play tanks in League of Legends. He has been a part of the game since its early days, and his kit has remained relatively unchanged. Cho’Gath is a strong frontline champion with crowd control abilities that can greatly benefit your team in fights. However, with the recent meta shifts in League, it’s important to adapt your playstyle when using Cho’Gath. In this article, we will provide you with the best build for Cho’Gath in Season 12.


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Grasp of the Undying: Grasp of the Undying is the best option for tanks like Cho’Gath. It synergizes well with his passive ability, providing him with sustain to survive the laning phase and additional health for teamfights. This is the optimal choice and alternatives won’t be as effective.

Demolish: Cho’Gath lacks mechanics to take down structures easily, so picking Demolish can help you deal damage to turret plating and increase your impact in the early game.

Conditioning: Conditioning is a must-have rune for tanky champions. It enhances your survivability by providing armor and magic resist after the 12-minute mark.

Overgrowth: To maximize Cho’Gath’s scaling potential, choose Overgrowth as your last rune in the Resolve tree. It grants you additional health, which synergizes well with Grasp of the Undying.

Triumph: Triumph is essential for teamfights as Cho’Gath relies on his ultimate to devour enemies. It provides health restoration upon takedown and the amount of health restored increases over time.

Legend: Tenacity: Cho’Gath is vulnerable to crowd control, so Legend: Tenacity is a great choice to improve his mobility in skirmishes.

Bonuses: +10% attack speed, +6 armor, +6 armor

Starting items

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Doran’s Shield: To safely make plays in the top lane, start with Doran’s Shield. It provides additional health, health regeneration, and improves damage against minions.

Health potion: In the current meta, it’s beneficial to have extra health at the start of the game. Buying a Health Potion will come in handy against bruisers, lane bullies, or ranged champions.

Core items

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Frostfire Gauntlet: Frostfire Gauntlet is the best universal mythic item for Cho’Gath. It provides additional health, boosts other key stats, and enhances one-vs-one and teamfight potential.

Thornmail: Thornmail is the most efficient way to counter AD-based champions. It deals damage back to attackers and applies Grievous Wounds while increasing health and armor.

Force of Nature: Force of Nature is crucial against ability power-based champions. It provides magic resistance and enhances mobility as you take more magic damage.

Late-game items

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Demonic Embrace: Demonic Embrace increases Cho’Gath’s damage while improving sustain, resistances, and curse hit enemies, making them take damage equal to a percentage of their maximum health.

Gargoyle Stoneplate: Gargoyle Stoneplate is a great choice when facing compositions with both AD and AP champions. It grants armor, magic resistance, ability haste, and provides an additional shield.

Plated Steelcaps: Cho’Gath needs boots for mobility. Plated Steelcaps are generally the superior option in the current meta, but consider Mercury’s Treads against heavy AP or crowd control teams.

Situational items

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Mercury’s Treads: Mercury’s Treads work best against AP-based top laners, mage-heavy team compositions, or teams with plenty of crowd control.

Warmog’s Armor: Warmog’s Armor is the go-to item for increasing health. It provides a significant amount of health, ability haste, regeneration, and the Warmog’s Heart passive for health regeneration outside of combat.

Frozen Heart: Frozen Heart is an excellent anti-AD item. It provides armor, ability haste, and mana to ensure you never run out while using abilities.

Dead Man’s Plate: Dead Man’s Plate enhances key stats and grants additional damage on auto attacks. It’s a great pick against immobile, squishy AD compositions.

Randuin’s Omen: Randuin’s Omen slows down enemies, making them vulnerable to your CC chain or ultimate. It provides armor, health, and ability haste.

Spirit Visage: Spirit Visage is ideal against AP-based compositions. It offers health, ability haste, magic resistance, and increases healing and shielding received.

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Cho’Gath, League of Legends, tank, runes, starting items, core items, late-game items, situational items