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The Ultimate Camille Build in League of Legends

Choosing the Best Runes and Items for Camille in League of Legends

Camille is a popular top laner in League of Legends known for her strength and versatility. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out with Camille, it’s important to choose the right runes and items to maximize your chances of success.

Selecting the Best Runes

Resolve: Grasp of the Undying is an excellent rune choice for Camille. It provides additional health, damage, and base health regeneration, making you more durable in both the early and late game. Shield Bash is another great option, as it amplifies the effectiveness of your shields and increases your damage output. Consider taking Bone Plating to reduce incoming damage during trades, and Unflinching to improve your tenacity and slow resistance.

Inspiration: Magical Footwear grants you extra movement speed, which is essential for mobility and roaming as Camille. It also saves you gold that you would otherwise spend on shoes. Biscuit Delivery is a good choice for sustain, giving you extra health and mana during early trades.

Bonuses: +10 attack speed, +9 adaptive force, +6 armor

Starting Items for Camille

For a strong early game, Doran’s Blade is the go-to starting item for Camille. It boosts your health, damage, and sustain, providing an excellent foundation for trading and wave clearing. Additionally, having Health Potions on hand during the laning phase is crucial for replenishing health after trades.

Core Items for Camille

Mythic items are essential in League of Legends, and Divine Sunderer is a top pick for Camille. It increases your ability haste, attack damage, and health, while the special passive ability enhances your damage output after using an ability. Ravenous Hydra is another key item, reducing ability cooldowns, granting omnivamp, and increasing attack damage. It also allows your basic attacks to deal area-of-effect damage, making it ideal for clearing waves and split pushing.

Plated Steelcaps are a wise choice, especially against AD-based compositions, as they lower incoming damage. They can be purchased early on, along with Magical Footwear, to increase your survivability in the early game.

Late-Game Items for Camille

Sterak’s Gage is an excellent late-game item for AD-based fighters like Camille. It provides attack damage, health, and two unique passive abilities that increase your survivability and healing potential. Guardian Angel is another crucial item, giving you a second life every five minutes and allowing you to avoid getting caught out of position. Death’s Dance is an offensive-oriented item that boosts your stats and provides a mitigation effect. It also heals you for a percentage of your maximum health after scoring a takedown.

Situational Items for Specific Scenarios

Mercury’s Treads are a good alternative to Plated Steelcaps when facing heavy magic damage or crowd control from mages. Trinity Force is a viable choice if you need more attack speed and have difficulty closing the gap between you and your opponents. Titanic Hydra offers extra defense with increased health, while Maw of Malmortius provides magic resistance and shields against AP-based opponents.

Chempunk Chainsword is useful against teams with healing abilities, reducing their effectiveness with Grievous Wounds. Hullbreaker is a must-have for split-pushing scenarios, boosting your tower damage and wave clear. Silvermere Dawn removes crowd control effects, perfect for when you’re the focus of enemy attention. Thornmail provides armor, health, and damage reflection against AD-based compositions. Lastly, Spirit Visage increases your shielding and healing effects, while Randuin’s Omen offers additional defense and a slow effect against nearby enemies.

Remember to adapt your item build to the specific game situation and opponent composition to maximize your effectiveness as Camille.

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Camille, League of Legends, top laner, runes, items, late-game carry, early-game menace, mobility, shields, trading, sustain, mythic items, Divine Sunderer, Ravenous Hydra, Sterak’s Gage, Guardian Angel, Death’s Dance, Mercury’s Treads, Trinity Force, Titanic Hydra, Maw of Malmortius, Chempunk Chainsword, Hullbreaker, Silvermere Dawn, Thornmail, Spirit Visage, Randuin’s Omen.