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The Top Jungle Routes for High Elo Rammus in Season 12

Riot’s character Rammus, The Armordillo, has become a meme in the League community with his iconic voice line. Despite Rammus not being as popular on Summoner’s Rift lately, the item changes in Season 11 and 12 have made Tank champions, like Rammus, shine once again. With a slight rework on his Ultimate ability, Rammus has become an ideal pick for any team composition that lacks a frontline or engage tool.

As a Jungler, Rammus excels at ganking lanes and converting them into takedowns and gold leads for his team. However, to be successful, Rammus needs to plan his Jungle route efficiently and secure enough gold to become an unstoppable threat.

In this guide, we will provide the ultimate Jungle route and clearing guide for Rammus, along with the best Summoner Spells, Runes, and Items. We will also share some tips and tricks to help you dominate games with Rammus Jungle.

Summoner Spells: Flash/Ghost + Smite

Although some champions can swap out Flash for a different Summoner Spell, it’s recommended to stick with Flash for Rammus. However, some high-level Rammus players prefer running Ghost due to its synergy with Rammus’ kit and playstyle.

Best Rammus Runes:

– Primary: Aftershock, Demolish, Conditioning, Unflinching
– Secondary: Triumph, Legend: Alacrity/Tenacity/Last Stand

Aftershock is the best Keystone option for Rammus, providing additional defensive stats and crowd control. Demolish can be useful for sieging and earning gold from turret plates. Conditioning and Unflinching further enhance Rammus’ durability. For secondary Runes, high-elo players usually choose Triumph and Legend: Alacrity, but other options such as Tenacity or Last Stand can also be effective.

Best Rammus Items:

Starting Items: Hailblade + Refillable Potion
Mythic Item: Turbo Chemtank/Sunfire Aegis
Core Items: Defensive Boots, Thornmail, Dead Man’s Plate, Force of Nature
Finishing Options: Randuin’s Omen, Gargoyle Stoneplate

Rammus is a tank champion, so his items should focus on enhancing his defensive capabilities. Turbo Chemtank or Sunfire Aegis can be chosen as the Mythic item, but Turbo Chemtank is generally preferred for its bonus Active ability. Defensive Boots, Thornmail, Dead Man’s Plate, and Force of Nature synergize well with Rammus’ kit and playstyle. Randuin’s Omen and Gargoyle Stoneplate are finishing options that further enhance Rammus’ resilience.

Best Skill Order for Rammus Jungle: Q > E > W > R

Start with W to clear the first camp more efficiently. Max Q first, followed by E and then W, and take R whenever possible.

Best Jungle Paths for Rammus:

Rammus is not the best champion for clearing camps, so focus on ganking rather than farming. Skip the Krug camp during the first clear to maintain a good tempo. The best starting path will depend on factors such as which laners can provide more help, counter-jungle opportunities, and which lane you want to gank first.

Tips and Tricks for Rammus Jungle:

– Use Defensive Ball Curl (W) to mitigate damage and extend its duration by auto-attacking.
– Use Soaring Slam (R) in combination with Powerball (Q) to maximize its impact.
– Activate Ghost, Turbo Chemtank, and Q in sync for a massive movement speed boost.
– Prioritize protecting your carries and absorbing damage in teamfights.
– Choose gank opportunities wisely and avoid leaving your team exposed.

In conclusion, Rammus can be a strong pick for Jungle players looking for an effective Tank and control tool. By following the recommended routes, Runes, and items, and applying the provided tips and tricks, you can dominate games as The Armordillo.