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The Top Jungle Paths for High Elo Gragas Players in Season 12

Gragas is one of the most reliable champions in League of Legends, excelling in the roles of Mid, Top, and Jungle. He can adapt to any player’s style, whether they prefer dealing damage or being a tank. Gragas is popular in both normal and competitive play, with his popularity showing no signs of waning.

Gragas is known for his versatility in damage output, crowd control, and sustain. His abilities deal area-of-effect (AOE) damage, making him a great Jungle pick for clearing monster camps. Additionally, Gragas has excellent ganking tools, which can give his team an advantage and lead to a high win rate.

In this article, we will focus on Gragas as a Jungler. We will provide the best route and clearing guide, as well as the optimal Runes and Items to dominate games with. So, stay tuned!

Table of Content:
– Summoner Spells
– The Best Gragas Runes
– AP Damage
– Utility Build
– The Best Gragas Items
– AP Damage
– Utility Build
– The Best Skill Order for Gragas
– The Best Jungle Paths for Gragas
– Red Side, Red Clear
– Red Side, Blue Clear
– Blue Side, Blue Clear
– Blue Side, Red Clear
– The Best Tips and Tricks for Gragas Jungle
– Final Thoughts

Summoner Spells:
Gragas benefits from Flash and Smite. Flash is essential for executing Gragas’ Flash + E combo, which is difficult to escape. However, players who focus on Gragas’ utility may prefer Ghost, especially when paired with Nimbus Cloak and Celerity.

The Best Gragas Runes:
We will cover two popular play styles: AP Damage and Utility Build.

For AP Damage Gragas, the best Rune is Predator for additional movement speed and damage. Players should also use Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Relentless Hunter. The secondary Runes should be Celerity and Waterwalking to enhance movement speed.

For the Utility Build, players should use Glacial Augment, Magical Footwear, Future’s Market, and Approach Velocity. The secondary Runes should be Nimbus Cloak and Celerity.

The Best Gragas Items:
Starting Items: Hailblade and Refillable Potion.

AP Damage Build:
Mythic Item: Hextech Rocketbelt or Everfrost.
Core Items: Boots of Swiftness or Sorcerer’s Shoes, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Rabadon’s Deathcap.
Finishing Options: Morellonomicon, Banshee’s Veil, Lich Bane, Void Staff.

Utility Build:
Mythic Item: Everfrost or Frostfire Gauntlet.
Core Items: Boots of Swiftness or Adapted Defensive Boots, Fimbulwinter, Frozen Heart.
Finishing Options: Abyssal Mask, Cosmic Drive, Demonic Embrace.

The Best Skill Order for Gragas:
Max Q first, followed by E. Take W at level 1 for its damage reduction and AOE damage.

The Best Jungle Paths for Gragas:
Gragas should focus on pressuring lanes rather than clearing camps. A good path starts with Red Buff, followed by Raptors and Wolves without using Smite. The Blue Buff should be cleared with Smite, and then the Gromp and Scuttler should be taken.

Tips and Tricks for Gragas Jungle:
– Keep track of Gragas’ Passive cooldown for better sustain.
– Master the E + Flash combo for maximum impact.
– Consider maxing W second for the utility build.
– Use Q as a zoning tool in team fights.
– Take advantage of Gragas’ versatility as an AP Jungler.

Final Thoughts:
Gragas is a highly adaptable champion, capable of filling various roles based on the team composition. His versatility and damage output make him a reliable pick for Jungle. Remember to stay updated on our website for more League of Legends content and guides.