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The Top 9 Challenging LoL Champions for Mastery

The Top Difficult Champions to Master in League of Legends

League of Legends has one of the largest champion rosters of any modern gaming franchise. From easy picks to dominating forces, here are the most challenging champions to master.


Aphelios wielding one of his weapons and crouching with Alune behind.
Make sure you pick the right Aphelios gun or you could misfire. Image via Riot Games

Aphelios is easily one of the most complex champions in League of Legends. With five different weapons to cycle through during battles, mastering Aphelios requires strategic decision-making and quick thinking.


Azir, the Emperor of Shurima, is calling his soldiers.
Piloting Azir is like leading an entire empire. Image via Riot Games

Azir requires players to manage summoned soldiers, long-ranged attacks, and multiple abilities. Although challenging to master, Azir can be a powerful champion in the mid lane.


Gangplank aims his flintlock pistol in League of Legends
Skilled Gangplanks have more barrels than a storeroom. Image via Riot Games

Gangplank’s barrel mechanics make him a difficult champion to master. Timing and placement of barrels can greatly impact his effectiveness, making him a challenge to play but rewarding for skilled players.


Kalista throws a spear in League of Legends
I’ve still not got my head around Kalista’s shuffle-step just yet. Image via Riot Games

Kalista’s unique kiting-heavy auto-attack pattern sets her apart from other AD carries. Mastering Kalista requires proficient kiting skills, but once mastered, she can dominate the bot lane.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin destroying a wooden structure with a kick.
You’ll feel lost in the darkness if you can’t master the Blind Monk. Image via Riot Games

Lee Sin’s gameplay revolves around landing skillshots and executing combos. While flashy plays may seem appealing, focusing on basics and utilizing Lee Sin’s abilities effectively can lead to success.


Nidalee hurls a spear against a League of Legends enemy
Prepare to miss a lot (a lot!) of Nidalee spears. Image via Riot Games

Nidalee’s dual roles and seven abilities make her a difficult champion to master. Players must switch between human and cougar forms strategically and have precise accuracy with her abilities to succeed.


Riven leaps to the side with her huge sword in hand in League of Legends
Some say Riven is the main character in League and her power certainly argues for that. Image via Riot Games

Riven’s gameplay revolves around combos, making her a challenging champion to play. Mastering the timing and execution of her abilities is crucial for success on the battlefield.


PROJECT: Zed splash art
He may not longer strike fear like he once did, but the high skill ceiling remains. Image via Riot Games

Zed’s shadow abilities and one-target kill pressure make him a challenging champion to master. Balancing his abilities and utilizing his ultimate effectively requires practice and precision.


Dark-red energy pours out of Yasuo's left eye, left hand, and sword in his Soul Fighter skin.
Yasuo outstrips his sword brother by a distance to make it into this list. Image via Riot Games

Yasuo’s high skill ceiling and complex mechanics make him a challenging champion to master. Skillful utilization of his abilities is necessary to unlock his true potential.

League of Legends, difficult champions, master, mastery, Aphelios, Azir, Gangplank, Kalista, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Riven, Zed, Yasuo