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The Story of Two Brothers, Darius & Draven

Uncovering Unknown Facts about Darius and Draven: An Expedition to Noxia

In our recent expedition to the fallen nation of Noxia, we made some exciting discoveries about two legendary figures: Darius and Draven. As we continue to explore and search for more clues, let’s delve into some previously unknown facts about these two intriguing characters.

An Orphan’s Bond: Draven and Darius

Draven, an orphan, found solace in his older brother Darius. For Draven, Darius was not only a brother but also a mother and a father figure. Draven was your typical playful and mischievous boy.

Darius: The Serious Protector

On the other hand, Darius has always been serious. His seriousness was more than just a personality trait; it was a survival tactic to protect his younger brother. Despite his immense strength, Darius was not just a brute. He possessed deep understanding of Noxian ways and knew that respect was the key to survival. Even as a teenager, adults in his village respected and feared Darius for his strength and unwavering loyalty.

The Other Side of Draven

Draven, often seen as an egocentric diva, had a different side to him. In his final years, Darius himself acknowledged that he may have misjudged his brother. Draven wasn’t always the apathetic killing maniac he is known as today. There was more to him than meets the eye.

Draven’s Axe-catching Skills

Draven’s famous ability to catch axes didn’t come out of nowhere. It was Darius who, instead of giving him toys or balls, provided Draven with axes taken from defeated enemies. While other boys played ball, Darius introduced Draven to the world of axes. Even though Darius was too occupied to play catch with Draven, this led to Draven becoming a master axe catcher and thrower, showcasing his skills to gain glory and admiration.

As we continue our expedition and delve deeper into the history of Noxia, we hope to uncover more fascinating details about these legendary brothers.

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