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The Skarner-Ekko Ultimate Spellbook combo remains incredibly popular

Spell Book Game Mode Returns to League of Legends

The popular Spell Book game mode has made a comeback in League of Legends, much to the excitement of players. One particular combination involving Ekko and Skarner’s ultimates has caught the attention of players.

A Reddit user shared their experience of trying to achieve the Ekko-Skarner combo ult in the Ultimate Spellbook game mode. This limited-time mode was first introduced in July 2021 and has captured the interest of many players. The quest for this deadly combination continues.

The Lethal Combination: Skarner’s “Impale” and Ekko’s “Chronobreak”

Skarner’s ultimate ability, “Impale,” allows players to suppress and drag an enemy champion across the map. Ekko’s ultimate ability, “Chronobreak,” enables the player to return to their previous location within a few seconds. Combining these two ultimates provides an opportunity for instant transportation and devastating results.

This combination is highly sought after due to its potential for massive damage and the ability to drag enemies among their opponents. Additionally, there is a specific move that guarantees the instant kill of any champion, every time.

The Challenging Execution

Executing this combination requires League players to have Teleport as their summoner spell and locate a single target near a teleportation point. Within four seconds, the player must teleport from their base to the enemy, use “Impale” to suppress them, and then utilize “Chronobreak” to return to their base. If successful, this impressive feat can earn players recognition and honors. However, mistiming the combination can result in a failed execution.

The Power of Ekko and Skarner

Even without the deadly combo, both Skarner’s and Ekko’s ultimates are still valuable tools in the game. Ekko’s ultimate deals damage to enemies near his after-image and heals him for a percentage of his health, making it an excellent solution for tricky assassination attempts. Skarner’s ultimate deals damage when the enemy champion is impaled and released from the crystal prison.

League of Legends, Spell Book game mode, Ekko, Skarner, ultimate combo, Ultimate Spellbook, Reddit, Teleport, summoner spell, lethal combination.